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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 2, 2010
Qualifier...I use my iPad for nearly all non-desktop necessary functions. Sold netbook...and relegated laptop to computer room for I don't know what...haven't used it in weeks.

Problem is that there are just certain things that are driving me nuts on the iPad.

FORGET Flash...I could care less about videos that don't work...most have flash workarounds. But what about site that do not behaving with the iPad.

Like, buttons that popup, but won't let you select what gets popped up.

Or, like, why can't I scroll down in my Google Docs spreadsheet? What is it about the page that doesn't work with iCab or other browsers? Will there ever be a solution??? (for the current iPad)

And...NOBODY ever replied to this... am I the only one on these forums experience these problems?

And here is another thread nobody replied to... anybody using their iPad to access their Primerica POL accounts?

Thanks for ANY feedback!!
Why do some buttons not work????

Not sure why NOBODY replied to my previous thread...but I really need to be able to articulate what is going on. Somebody, PLEASE help!

Some popup buttons work...others don't. What is the difference?

For example, at work, I have a button popup that is a list of classes. To change from one class to another, I need to click on that button to popup the list. But, on the iOS, it does not popup. Why? What is it? Or, the better question is, what does it need to be?

For example, my online banking has a similar button popup to go to different sub accounts. Why does it work for the bank? What web design feature are they using that does work?

I have run into other websites like this, specifically, Primerica's POL interface for reps. One single thing seems to stand in the way from being able to use the iPad...and it is that button to navigate.

What I need to know, at least for my work website, is what to ask them to do differently that will make that button work. It is hard to talk about something if I don't understand why it doesn't work. It doesn't look like flash.

Some websites just don't work well with an iPad. Sometimes, you need to revert to a laptop.

Thanks for the reply...but I need to know the terminology of the difference.

There has to be design difference.
Thanks for the reply...but I need to know the terminology of the difference.

There has to be design difference.

Yes, of course there is a design difference. However, it's just a technicality - firstly what are you going to do with the information that some particular JavaScript (for example) is incompatible? It won't make it work. Secondly, its not really worth performing the analysis of what particular html or other coding causes it to break. Apple actually pays people to do that, and who knows, they might even fix it in a future update....:)
firstly what are you going to do with the information that some particular JavaScript (for example) is incompatible? It won't make it work.

Well, if I know what I am talking about, and can specifically ask the person in charge of the school wide student database web interface and can say, hey, the button is made of "_______" maybe they can fix it. I just don't know enough of what I am talking about.

So, you are saying that my bank is using a java script that works with the iPad, but the district and Primerica, just to pick two, are using bad JavaScript?
Unfortunately there is no one simple answer to your questions. For the most part Mobile Safari works pretty well, however there are still a number of limitations when compared to a full desktop browser. Most of these limitations are to do with now touch interaction works. Scrolling areas that are internal to a page are also a problem.

I think your best bet is to directly ask for iPad support. If that doesn't work and the sites are publically accessible then you could try posting links up and seeing if any of us can offer a solution or workaround.

Talking about workarounds, one to remember is if you find an internal scrolling area on a page (like the text area I'm typing into now) you can use two fingers to scroll it.
I haven't found the code difference that causes problem, but there may be workarounds.

For example, Verified by Visa in the UK (which pops up when i've used my card to buy something online) has three separate text boxes to enter letters from my password. If i try to enter them in turn, i can't - it just won't let me select the second box after i've entered something in the first. In this cases though, i can enter the third letter second, and then go back and enter the second letter last. A bit bizarre, but lets me get around it. There *may* be something similar you can do in your case, but obviously it'll depend on the site layout etc. Worth trying different form elements though, just in case.

Hmmm. I will try to find a public site available.

I didn't know about the two finger drag in a window. I will try that.

I know a site that is fairly public...or at least maybe somebody else is having the problem...Gmail!

I send mail for an organization with lots of members via Gmail. We have made all kinds of group distribution lists.

On a "real" computer, I type the first few letters, and the group shows up.

One the ipad, regardless if I am using a browser, or one of the Gmail apps, I can NOT for the life of me access one of the group lists. Even if I type the Group name exactly, it will not work.

So, if I start with Compose Email, and I have a blank BCC field, the group will start to show up as I type the letters, along with a bunch of other matches. Even if I narrow it down, I can NOT select the group. It will turn dark blue as if it is selected, but not actually select. Or, if I go to the Contact List (using MultiG in Basic HTML mode) and click on All Contacts, the group lists don't even show up.

In mobile mode, once I pull up a new email field, if I start typing the letters of the group, nothing pops up at all for the group...just some names., which I can select, but no group to choose. I would just delete MultiG, but it is other apps that I have tried as well...or at least browsers to get to Gmail from a browser.
I deploy a lot of JavaScript on my sites and it works fine. It isn't that JavaScript doesn't work, but certain triggers don't. For instance on some lists, some developers use blur and mouse-over events in conjunction with click / touch events. There is no way to trigger the former.

The best way to show developers the issue is not to use their language but show them what you are doing, if not in person, by screen shot. (home and sleep button at same time)

I've noticed that double-tapping will some times work on pop-ups for selection, and yes, you will have to use the two finger scroll. Another hint is to use the keyboard "previous and next" buttons that appear in the left corner when selecting fussy text boxes. If you are able to get the keyboard pop-up.
Zazoh said:
If you are able to get the keyboard pop-up.

It is nice to know about the two finger scroll. It is allowing me to view Google Docs that I didn't think I could. But why won't the keyboard popup?


Edit: two finger scroll solves the problem of not being able to see all of the students. And, it solves the problem of being able to change the class.

But now I see that I can't change the radio button from P to A (present to absent). it selects, but doesn't stay selected when I let go. ???
The reality is that not all websites are built with current standards in mind. Most still are coded to be compatible with IE6, especially corporate intranet sites. The best solution is to send an e-mail to your administrator saying the site navigation and elements are not fully functional with your iPad and you'd like to see it fixed.

Most of what I think you're describing is the concept of hovering over a button with your mouse, and then clicking one of the choices which presents itself. I've come across this myself and it's rather frustrating. Just have to keep in mind that the concept of touch-based user input is in it's infancy as far as websites go - many will need to do a re-write to work well with these new standards.
SteveAbootman said:
The best solution is to send an e-mail to your administrator saying the site navigation and elements are not fully functional with your iPad and you'd like to see it fixed.

Well, they already shut me down with the "not supporting iPad". I would think with the number of school admin toting smart phones, they would want the student database to be compatible.

But what about getting the keypad to popup on a google doc? Why isn't google addressing this? I mean, I know, android, but that is a lame excuse. Is there an easy fix they are holding out on?

Also, how is doing the slide show on the front page?

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