I was going through the app store, looking for a motivational app. I needed something that could get me out of bed and give me a little purpose of why I even bother working.
So I went through the app store and there were many quote apps in the market. I mean MANY but the quotes were so general. Then As I'm scrolling later on, I come to this app called "Quote Daily! - motivation and inspiration to be the best". It wasn't popular, but I saw that some 16 year old made this, so I decided to try it. Turns out it's pretty good.
. Although the interface isn't the most pleasing, it does it's job of getting you a quote FOR YOUR SPECIFIC PERSONALITY. That's what's so different in this app, you actually get to choose what you want your quote to be about. There are sports, activities....even gardening lol. 9/10, would recommend.

I'll give you all the link if you want to try it out.

I'll give you all the link if you want to try it out.