I was actually answering a question that was posted to me but since you had to butt in and be rude I will answer yours as well.
I spend a great deal of time on these threads posting (the unusual) good things about my iMac rather than find everything humanly possible wrong with it. My posts actually help people rather than trying to dissuade potential buyers.
My thing is why consistently post bad things about your new Mac? Just take it back and walk in the direction of the store that sells a computer that will fit your needs.
I don't have a problem with people posting a new issue but to constantly post over and over? How's that helping anyone and how's the complainer helping himself?
One example, the freezing issue with the iMacs. Well Apple has acknowledged this issue and is working on a fix. Well with many posters saying that they have this issue it's giving the impression that ALL of the iMacs are like that. Well they are not so I will post positive experiences because my iMac works perfectly.
You just like negative posts, that's why you were so rude. I'm sorry I don't remember telling anyone to deal with anything. Point that post out. I'm sure I mentioned to live with it if you have no intention to return it. What other choices are there?
I hardly like negative posts. Nor is my possibly liking them a reason for being rude. Talk about faulty logic. But one who asks the question "why post bad things?" can expect to receive the question "why post good things?" Who cares if you love you new iMac? I sure as the sun don't. Quite frankly the threads are a waste of time and annoying.
What I find comical is that you bash these people as if they have no complaint whatsoever. Instead of actually acknowledging the problem you again, kiss Apples ass and say, "no screen is perfect" and further insult them by telling them it isn't as bad as they think it is! How helpful!
And my favorite, of which I made a reply to, but of course you never chimed in again, "I only mentioned other AIO's in the industry to point out that the iMac gives more than the competition for less money so expecting the screen to be perfect while maintaining a low cost computer is unreasonable."
Of course, ignoring the thread where everyone praised Apple Gods for giving them a glorious panel, worth $1300! Of course, I can see why you would continue to deny the existence of such problems in the round about, "can't expect perfection, move along" sort of way. When you actually believe that the panel is worth $1300.
Anyhow, I love how you call your points, "unusual," again in an attempt to minimize legitimate complaints. If my iMac is freezing to honestly think I care if yours runs perfectly? If I post a thread saying such and your post the ever so pompous, "Mine works great!," would you not expect me to be a little perturbed?
Giving the impression of a widespread problem has become the duty of forums. If someone can't figure out that any issue is going to be overblown in a specialized forum, they are the ones that aren't being helpful to themselves by actually thinking.
I will admit, you do offer the option of going with something else. but again, that is hardly helpful. You assert that mine is perfect, yet, tell everyone else they can't expect perfection. Of course, your perfection may be taking the defects and living with them, but lets not go there.
Some people want a Mac. Some of those people want an iMac. Some of those people turn out to have a crappy experience. Attempting to minimize their concerns is hardly being a helpful forum member.
You are more than welcome to call me rude, but your posts are pompous and unhelpful. And your continued assertion that anyone with a different opinion than yours is unwelcome is far more rude than anything I could possibly say to you as it harms the image of all members here.