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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 3, 2008
VersionTracker is no more. The domain now redirects to a horrible CNET-ed website that is hard to use, uninformative, and jerked up with CNET's other sh..... stuff.

R.I.P. VersionTracker. Me, I'll be switching to MacUpdate. I've already removed my VT bookmarks. MU has previously been an also-ran in my opinion, but looks to now be the better choice for high-density, at-a-glance update identification.

EDIT: VT/CNET contact form.
This is really bad news. I have used VT for over ten years I think. What a loss for the Mac community. CNET blows.
Maybe I am stupid for being surprised but I am. This sucks, that was my go-to for many things.
I mainly used VT to find new software - any good app should already have auto-update ability.

Definitely switching to MacUpdate now.
I mainly used VT to find new software - any good app should already have auto-update ability.

A lot of people don't like apps doing stuff like that. It is also the first rule of support that if/when the auto-updater fails, you install by hand. And in an environment with a large user base, the first thing you do is turn those settings off, otherwise you'll have 10,000 people downloading GBs of the same app/update off the internet before you've had a chance to test whether it's going to break everything. You download one copy, test, deploy.
R.I.P VersionTracker

Horrible new website

Macfixit was gulped by cnet too and never liked to go back there

I loved VersionTracker, a lot
MacUpdate is not as great


I hope someone will check how many hits they are going to lose
and maybe they will use the same format VersionTracker had

Well this is a revolting turn of events. I've been a VT user for many, many years and was surprised to read about this change here instead of hearing it directly from VT. Oddly, as I started typing this message and e-mail came in from the new cnet overlords telling me about it.

I guess I'll have to take a look at MacUpdate. My personal preference is to decide what updates to apply to software instead of having it done automatically.
Sad to see it go, I still use MacUpdate, so hopefully that will remain.
I used both VT and MU, and when an app wasn't in one of them, I'd go to the other. VT was better though, and it didn't have all those ads everywhere.


Oh well, I hope they bring it back. is now officially integrated with CNET Downloads - the largest catalog of software in the world.
The team who brought you VersionTracker is part of the team that now brings you CNET Downloads; we are the same people who have been with you for years. We know how important the information on the VersionTracker website is, which is why we wanted to preserve it, enhance it, and make it part of the CNET experience.

Importantly, your VersionTracker user name and password will continue to work to log in to CNET.

We hope that moving this information to CNET makes finding and getting software updates even easier than what you are used to. Also, you now have more direct access to CNET content, such as:

•Objective & expert technology reviews, videos, podcasts, and more
•User ratings and reviews
•Downloadable software, mobile apps, and games
.Click here to learn more about the VersionTracker integration with CNET or to get access to information you used to find on VersionTracker.

Thank you for staying with us during these changes. We appreciate your business and look forward to a continuing relationship. It is our hope that you enjoy the easier access to content that comes with tighter CNET integration. We continue to be focused on creating the best experience possible for our customers.

Aaron Smith

Or at least, if they can make VT and CNet DL's have 2 different interfaces again, so people use whichever they prefer.
I am mourning

My condolences! I am mourning!
It was the best Mac general purpose software directory!

  • Layout well arranged
    [*]To get an overview: I used the compact list format with the informative columns: licence, version, last-updated, downloaded, rating, etc.
    [*]To get the details: See particular SW's page.
    [*]Whereas CNET's layout is more bloated (on the first gaze).​
  • The user base and its comments/recommendations were valuable!
  • The search function was not restrictive on URL arguments. I had direct search links, which showed 1000 results (! CNET limits to 30 via GUI, 100 via "URL hacking") for either Mac OS X or All Platforms or Windows, which I very often used to directly query in my browser's address bar, by methods such as:
I haven't used VT in months - their RSS feed was almost constantly broken, so I've long ago switched over to using the MacUpdate RSS feed exclusively.
The RSS feeds on CNET are confusing. I just want a feed of the latest releases (like I had for versiontracker), but the closest thing CNET offers is "latest Editor's Choice." Is that what we're stuck with (that or feeds per category, yuck)?

The demise of Versiontracker is unexpected and unfortunate.
Good riddance, it wasn't all that great. Version tracker had a confusing layout and you'd find yourself clicking on hidden ads half the time disguised as alternate download mirrors just like the rest.
Good riddance, it wasn't all that great. Version tracker had a confusing layout and you'd find yourself clicking on hidden ads half the time disguised as alternate download mirrors just like the rest.

I agree. I never liked VT very much, always preferred MU. From a developer's standpoint, MU is simpler and easier to use as well.

The new CNET page is just terrible.
Version Tracker GONE - new CNET-bought version SUCKS!

Sorry, am I the only one regretting the purchase/takeover of Version Tracker by CNET?

It used to be my one-stop shop for all new Mac software releases, and now I can't EVEN bookmark the page to go straight to the Mac-relevant section...even though I save the link after reaching the Mac page (so that it is accessible on my Bookmarks Bar), it ALWAYS reverts back to Windows, which totally defeats the purpose of bookmarking a direct link to Mac software releases!

Not to mention the much more cluttered interface...pathetic. :mad:

p.s.: I have always preferred VT over MU, but it seems like the time has come to switch to the latter (which is way better than the "new VT")...bye bye CNET!
Sorry, am I the only one regretting the purchase/takeover of Version Tracker by CNET?

It used to be my one-stop shop for all new Mac software releases, and now I can't EVEN bookmark the page to go straight to the Mac-relevant section...even though I save the link after reaching the Mac page (so that it is accessible on my Bookmarks Bar), it ALWAYS reverts back to Windows, which totally defeats the purpose of bookmarking a direct link to Mac software releases!

Not to mention the much more cluttered interface...pathetic. :mad:

p.s.: I have always preferred VT over MU, but it seems like the time has come to switch to the latter (which is way better than the "new VT")...bye bye CNET!

Jeez, your one chance to end a post declaring something dead that would be accurate, and you pass it up.

I had already switched over to MacUpdate and rarely visited VersionTracker any more. Sad to see them go though. The were the first really unified site I ever used, and choices/competition always makes things better.
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