This week I ordered my very first Mac. The big, beautiful 27" iMac. First of all, it blows my 'old' notebook out of the water, the Sager NP5792. The specs from the laptop vs the iMac are big.
17" Matte Screen vs 27" Glossy
2.2Ghz C2D vs 2.8Ghz Quad Core HT
100GB HDD vs 2000GB HDD
8800m GTX vs HD4850
Its a sizable upgrade. But, I have a few question, since I've been out of the game for so long. I'll be it for Mac owners in my circle of friends, so you guys are my lifeline. And a few question I already have even before my iMac ships.
1. How does the HD4850 stack up against the 8800m GTX? Will my gaming experience be better, worse, or about the same? Consider that I'm a gamer at heart, and I live, breathe, and die frame rates.
2. I'm used to a heavy laptop bag. It's probably more than 30lbs. I go to a lot of LAN parties. Would you feel safe transporting your iMac to a LAN party? Has anybody done it before? How was the experience?
3. Networking with Windows users. My friends are a mixed bag of XP, Vista, and 7 users. We play just about everything, old and new at our parties. Can I game in Mac OSX (with old games at least, think CS 1.6)? Will we hve todo something to accomadate the Mac? Or will I have to dual boot to Windows to really play?
4. Last question for now. If I buy a Time Capsule, an backup my music, movies and pictures to it, will other people (read:Windows users) be able to access those files?
5. Okay, I lied. One more? World of Warcraft on Mac - how is it? I'm gonna start playing again with the new iMac. And.. Server recommendations for alliance side! =)
17" Matte Screen vs 27" Glossy
2.2Ghz C2D vs 2.8Ghz Quad Core HT
100GB HDD vs 2000GB HDD
8800m GTX vs HD4850
Its a sizable upgrade. But, I have a few question, since I've been out of the game for so long. I'll be it for Mac owners in my circle of friends, so you guys are my lifeline. And a few question I already have even before my iMac ships.
1. How does the HD4850 stack up against the 8800m GTX? Will my gaming experience be better, worse, or about the same? Consider that I'm a gamer at heart, and I live, breathe, and die frame rates.
2. I'm used to a heavy laptop bag. It's probably more than 30lbs. I go to a lot of LAN parties. Would you feel safe transporting your iMac to a LAN party? Has anybody done it before? How was the experience?
3. Networking with Windows users. My friends are a mixed bag of XP, Vista, and 7 users. We play just about everything, old and new at our parties. Can I game in Mac OSX (with old games at least, think CS 1.6)? Will we hve todo something to accomadate the Mac? Or will I have to dual boot to Windows to really play?
4. Last question for now. If I buy a Time Capsule, an backup my music, movies and pictures to it, will other people (read:Windows users) be able to access those files?
5. Okay, I lied. One more? World of Warcraft on Mac - how is it? I'm gonna start playing again with the new iMac. And.. Server recommendations for alliance side! =)