Sure, after the first backup, subsequent incremental backups takes less time. However, I frequently like to redo the full backup. In my experience, I can not trust that a file is OK until it has actually been read from the disk. And when doing incremental backups, it doesn't seem like the file is actually read, only the attributes are compared. But when copying, the file has to be read.
So when doing these full backups, which can take many hours, sometimes days depending on the interface used, any speed boost you can get is welcome. So I'm sticking with RAID 0.
Also, over the last few days I have done a lot of testing. I have combined various different drives sizes and makes with different interfaces to create striped disks. I have not had any trouble with any combination, i.e. FW800 with USB 2.0, 1.6TB with 1.5TB, quad-disk or dual disk enclosures with single bare drives etc.