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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 31, 2004
Hi, I am searching for a trial of Ram Doubler 1.6.1 which should work fine with my older Mac (I read tons of text file regarding this issue), but I don't seem to find it anywhere on the net. The connectiv site is also gone.
(Did these guys stop their activities?)

Is there anybody who has a link to a solid trial or demo of
ram doubler 1.6.1 or 2.x?

I dont think they ever had a "trial" or "demo" of the commercial software.

I do have some original (upgraded) floppy disks with RAM and Speed Doubler on them, somewhere.

How much would you be willing to pay for them (as far as I know in working condition and contain official upgraded versions plus the original version) if anything?
Found em

I have a RAM Doubler 2 disk, which was upgraded to whatever the last major version was (8 something, maybe). I also have a Speed Doubler 8 disk which was also upgraded (on the disk itself).

As far as I know they are still usable. I don't have any computer they are usable on, and don't even have a floppy disk. So they are doing no good for me other than taking up space in my "computer stuff" box.

Duff-Man says...those were both great little utilities back in their day and if you have a Mac that they are still useful on they are worth it. I probably have my copies still too, boxed away somewhere with my other old stuff....oh yeah!
For Sale

If anyone (else) wants to buy both of em (actually two separate versions on each floppy) just follow the links. Since I paid real money for em and they are still usable on older Macs I don't want to just give them away. I am an eeeeevil Conservative who believes in Capitalism after all.

Low price for commercial software that is fully usable, a fair trade in my book. As far as I remember you don't need a registration code, just the original floppies to install from. I think...

I think I even have the upgrades I downloaded on a Zip disk too, I totally relied on this stuff back in the 90's.

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