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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 24, 2009
I am using imac 27 duo core, i found out that if i run Fusion and macintosh together, my ram is not enough to do it, it end up become slower, coz i like to open lots of programs at the same time. Do u think i should get more ram or get a ssd and install Window and macintosh in it. Which one is faster, in term of running lots of programs together. I personally prefer to change ram, coz it is so difficult to change the hard dice in imac. And it is cheaper for ram. It will be extremely helpful if u can tell me where to get the cheapest ram and ssd (<40GB). thx a lot
RAM will allow you to run more applications at the same time, assuming they aren't taxing your CPU.

Open Activity monitor and find out if your RAM or CPU is topped out when it starts bogging down. If not, then it's the hard drive, though not likely.
the ram used up a lot in fusion, it is about 780MB, and i share 512MB to window, and i end up hv like few hundred MB left, when i want to watch u-tube, it is impossible, so wt u r saying that my problem is nothing to do with hard drive??

coz my friend told me that if it get data quicker, it helps, but it should be not a lot. I think ram should be the solution. However in general, when i am not running fusion, ram seems to be useless, ssd will instead speed up my mac, right? it is so expensive to buy ram or ssd, so i am not sure.
It doesn't matter if your drive is faster if your memory has to keep asking it for information. Each application needs information from the hard drive, to get it, your computer copies that information to your memory so that it is able to be used.

Think of it like this, what does it matter the speed of your moving crew if your apartment doesn't have room for it?

The problem you're facing right now is that there's not enough memory to go around for all your applications :D

Afterward you could improve the speed more by getting a faster drive ;)
thx for ur advice, i totally agree with u, i will get ram. But it is true that the ram imac 27'' using is only sell in mac store,coz i look up my computer it said 4 GB 1067 Mhz Ram, it sounds special to me, can i get it cheaper from otherwhere, if yes, can u tell me the type of ram that i need to buy, will u recommend me not get it form mac store
There is no Mac that uses "special" memory. It's all the same so you can get it anywhere they have ram. is one of my favorite suppliers as well as

Here is what you need.

At least 1066mhz "PC3-8500 DDR3 SO-DIMM's."

SO-DIMM basically means it's smaller, like laptop memory, so if they give you a 5" chip it's the wrong one. You can get memory that's any number equal to or greater than 1066mhz, just not less, that's the speed of the ram. Oh and try to match what you put in both slots, same size and same make/model. Dual channel memory works best with matching pairs.

Here is exactly what it will look like, don't mind the label. Also this is the same memory used in the MacBook and MacBook Pro's ;)

Well one you have to take the screen off (a TOTAL pain in the ass) and one you have to remove a panel on the bottom... I'd suggest trying the RAM first ;)
Haha, yeah! Make the hard drive a user-replaceable part and I'll consider an iMac in the future.
w311 i cant understand ur l33t speak that w311

but I think I got the gist of it

Im running the entire Adobe Creative Suite, Quark 8, Suitcase, Safari (at least 5-6 windows with 8-10 tabs in each window), Firefox, Camino (watching hulu), Word, Excel, iPhoto, iTunes, iChat, MS Remote Desktop and tons of other stuff -- and my 24" 2.4 iMac w/4 gigs ram never slows down.

I dont think your problem is ram.

however, bumping to 8 gigs of ram is cheap, ad two 2 gig sticks for about $100 and get your 8 gigs World Computing/8566DDR3S4GP/

and its clear that frimple and Cheeto have never installed a drive on an AL iMac, or they would know that its really pretty simple, and removal of the glass front on the screen takes all of 2 seconds. in the grand scheme of the install, removing the glass is the easiest part by far. Ive done the drive update on about a dozen 24" AL iMacs, probably could do it in under 15 minutes. 27" iMac install looks identical.

And in the future, I would post with complete words and sentences, makes it easier to read your questions.
What you're forgetting is he's running a virtual machine at the same time. Applications can elbow eachother for memory but a v-machine cuts a chunk of your ram out and doesn't give it back until you shut it off.

He also reported that his memory is topping out. "i end up hv like few hundred MB left, when i want to watch u-tube, it is impossible"
thanks for all u guys advices, i will go for upgrading my ram:D
and its clear that frimple and Cheeto have never installed a drive on an AL iMac, or they would know that its really pretty simple, and removal of the glass front on the screen takes all of 2 seconds. in the grand scheme of the install, removing the glass is the easiest part by far. Ive done the drive update on about a dozen 24" AL iMacs, probably could do it in under 15 minutes. 27" iMac install looks identical.

I've seen the youtube video and I agree, taking the glass off doesn't look hard. I'd be annoyed though if I got dust between the glass and the panel... or maybe ripped the video ribbon connection.... or had to do it all over again because my all in one needs applecare service, cause lord knows these things are bullet proof :rolleyes:

I suppose the bullet point of my argument is that it's not a user replaceable part and it's an all in 1. On my pro I've swapped cpu's and routed cables for my raid card but it's a full size desktop. There's a lot that can go wrong when you start taking apart all in 1's and I think it's something people need to consider before they buy it. Sure an SSD will make the entire user experience for edpau much more enjoyable, but in light of the concerns for me it wouldn't be worth it.
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