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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 4, 2006
It's not a house, it's a home.

I want to purchase the 17 Inch MBP...Question though. I want to get the standard version with the 1GB of RAM, but what happens if I want to increase that down the line. Is that possible? Also, will that conflict with what I heard about how the RAM has to match for the Core Duo to work its best? Sorry, I don't know enough about what I just said to know if that made sense or not!

Thanks! :)
Yes, you can add more down the line. I believed matched memory is best, however doesn't make much of a difference. Try searching the forums for "matched memory" or "matched ram".
You absolutely can upgrade down the line...I recommend buying RAM from OWC or DMS.

Pairing the RAM isn't all that important for the MBP...the best way I've heard it put is that the difference between paired and unpaired RAM is that it's enough for a benchmark to pick up, but not enough for an average user to notice. Paired RAM is a bit more important for machines like the MacBook that use integrated graphics.
WildCowboy said:
You absolutely can upgrade down the line...I recommend buying RAM from OWC or DMS.

Pairing the RAM isn't all that important for the MBP...the best way I've heard it put is that the difference between paired and unpaired RAM is that it's enough for a benchmark to pick up, but not enough for an average user to notice. Paired RAM is a bit more important for machines like the MacBook that use integrated graphics.

So if the most intense use it will get are some large photoshop and flash files, I will be fine:
a) with 1GB
b) with un-paired RAM


Thanks...sorry if this is obvious!
1 GB is probably borderline for your needs, especially until the Universal Binary version of the Adobe suite comes out next year. But if you go with a third-party RAM vendor, there's no problem giving it a go with 1 GB and then upgrading later if it's not enough.

Unpaired RAM will be fine...there's no reason to pay Apple's exorbitant prices or tossing away the perfectly good Apple stick in order to get the matched pair.
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