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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 20, 2006
York, PA
Well last night was the first time I noticed this problem with my 2.0 White MacBook.

I came home from school, logged on, and opened GarageBand. After about 5 minutes of use, it shut down. I thought maybe it overloaded or something, so I didn't think much of it.

Now here's when I became somewhat worried. When I pressed the power button, the light in the front lit up and the drives revved up and then power went off again. This happened about 5 times. I let it sit for a couple of mins, turned the power on and made it to the log on screen, and then it shut down again.

Took the battery out let it sit again, and this time it started up without any problems. Now that I was on again, I opened Garageband to get back to work, and about a minute in it powered off again.

I called AppleCare but didn't have any luck, just told me to try the PMU. Tried that, got the odd revved drives and crash thing still. Once I got booted up again I was on for about 45 minutes, but had a random crash while browsing MacRumors. Later that night, I had another random shut down using GarageBand again, and had two this morning.

At first I thought it was just Garageband, but twice it happened without Garageband opened. I'm getting kinda worried since I don't have a external to backup on. Apple said I can bring it in and try to explain and they'll try to fix it. Not sure how you could pinpoint something like this.

There's no kernal panic warnings either, just shuts down. Sometimes when it does the revved up and die thing, the only way to get it to turn on is holding the power button for a couple seconds until I get the flashing light in the front and the beep.

Any ideas?

Warranty repair, sounds like hardware.
Backup your data first
Uninstall any 3rd party stuff like RAM
Take it to the nearest authorized dealer or Applestore rather than doing the fiddle-twerping dance with Applecare telephone support.
I have an Applestore about 1.5 hrs away, and an authorized dealer about 25 mins away. Is it worth it to take it the extra hour to the Applestore?

Ran the hardware test and nothing turned up. I reset the PRAM and PMU, but still shutting down.

It recently shut down twice while trying to watch a movie on

Any chance this could be software related? I've installed new ram, but that hasn't helped either. I also reinstalled Firefox, since that seems to be running each time it resets, but that hasn't helped either.

Any help would be sweet, I'd really like to figure this out before I decide what I want to do. Thanks.
temp sensors

get into the system log and see if you have any screwy temp sensors. they may be generating false overheat signals that are shutting down your computer.
im having the exact same problems doing the exact same things except safari and no garageband. Just browsing youtube and macrumors random shut downs. I think its over heating. What can we do to fix this?
alienex said:
im having the exact same problems doing the exact same things except safari and no garageband. Just browsing youtube and macrumors random shut downs. I think its over heating. What can we do to fix this?

Well download CoreDuoTemp and see how hot your CPU is running to see if it is indeed overheating.
I don't think its overheating, most of mine happen within 5 mins of coming back from sleep, or withing the first few minutes of startup.

When starting up if I hold down the power button until it blinks, that usually helps me start up. This isn't like a "safe mode" type deal is it?
My sister's white 2.0 is doing the same as well. To add to that, the fans are on full-bore, full time. Sounds to me like a faulty temp sensor. i am really quite dissapointed in Apple. You read these threads with a grain of salt, knowing that those witout problems most likely aren't posting. Never think that it's a major percentage, and that you have any real chance of being affected. Looks like these issues are a little more widespread than I had thought.

Grr. That's all I have to say about this one, Steve. Grr.
Random MacBook Shutdowns

I'm also experiencing random shutdown problems with my MacBook 1.83Ghz. At first I thought it was related to the 2gb A-DATA memory that I had installed but I re-installed the original 512mb RAM and the problem still continues.

As with iamhammill, mine does this when it is cold. There is a whurring of the fan followed by a click when it shuts down.

I'm planning to visit the Genius Bar at a local Apple store in London at the weekend.
My white 2.0 does this as well. I have no idea why! But perhaps it is the false temp sensors even though Core Temp Duo seems to be around 150 F. It really has me worried when it turns on for a second and shuts off again, but alas it too turns back on if you let it sit for a few minutes! I hope there is a solution.
This happens on my white 2.0 also, just started tonight, it's done it 4 times so far!
pdpfilms said:
Looks like these issues are a little more widespread than I had thought.

Will this odd deviation somehow be attributed to being within permissible specs, too? Any company needs to be careful in the face of mounting criticisms because the public's faith in a given product line can fade quickly.
Hey guys. Just checking in to add my problem to the list. I have a 2.0 white Macbook which has been experiencing high temperature while idle, fan revving (while idle), and sporatic shutdowns (while idle).

This sucks, because I really can't afford the downtime taking this in to get fixed right now. Anyone brought it in? Whats the ETA?
I had a similar prob with my white 2.0 macbook. Evidently the factory-installed RAM wasn't physically seated well. Zero probs since fixing that. However, I noticed that "remedya" tried a RAM reinstall and this didn't fix the problem, so it could be something else in your case.
While since the last post so I'm guessing peoples problems are now solved?!?

Anyway if not...

I had exactly the same problem, brand new Macbook, worked fine for 3 weeks then sporadic shutdowns, refusing toboot etc etc - not much fun!

After doing the standard flashing of PRAM, checking PMU & battery etc I ended sending it back to apple and after 10 days (14 from fist call) I got it back with the 'Thermal Module' replaced. Now is (sorry, seems) okay, its been bout 2 weeks so fingers crossed!

Shame about the reliabity of early models cos they're good machines...

Good luck
After 2 months of having a macbook .. this random shutdowns happened to me... eventually apple care took it and repaired it, it works fine .. (Touch Wood).
Just thought I'd add my name to a list of those experiencing problems. Very disappointing.

I've got a 2.0 GHz machine - 1 GB of RAm, factory installed, and an 80 GB hard drive.

Where I am now, in a small rural town, I'll have to send it away to be fixed, which I'm a little leery of. I'll be moving to Ottawa soon, hopefully there I can have it fixed without sending it away.
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