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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 3, 2007
New York or Berlin
Has anyone else noticed a distinct lack of stability since upgrading to 3.2.1? I've been using my iPad quite happily for a long time, but today I did a clean restore + upgrade.

As I was setting up Google account sync, it crashed. Black screen, Apple logo. Not a good sign. A little while later, when using the iBooks store, it crashed again.

Normally, since I don't see anyone else complaining, I'd expect that this kind of thing indicates a hardware defect. But since it never ever happened before upgrading, despite heavy usage for months, it's got to be the new firmware, right?
Same thing happened to me while opening a bunch of tabs at once in iCab — which generally seems to a very clean and stable app. Everything has been okay since then.

I think sometimes it helps — though I'm not sure why — to do a hard reboot occasionally, especially after loading a bunch of new apps or something like that. I have no idea what kind of subtle problem this addresses, but it just seems like iOS likes to take a little power nap to readjust its attitude now and than. Not to anthropomorphize or anything.
My iPad (and iPhone 4) constantly crash when connected to a dual band network. It's kind of aggravating having to use my Sprint Overdrive for WiFi at work when I have a ridiculously fast connection.
All OK here. Try D/l upgrade and reinstall, perhaps your d/l got corrupt?

That's a good suggestion, I found that many of my iPhone crashes were related to corrupt downloads. Same OS, so I guess that could be the case in iPad too.
There has been a couple of threads here about it and it has a small trend on google search suggestions. For some people restoring fixes the problem others have had to get a replacement or send it back to Apple for repairs. It seems to be a software problem, so hopefully the next update can address this.:(
No problems here, I don't suspect I will have this problem.... Reboot occasionally solves most issues so as they will not reoccur. Restore again, then see
Indeed, I almost always have to restore the iPad twice, jailbroken or not. When I put 3.2.1 on it icons started to disappear when I'd restart it so I restored it again and it was fine. When I determined that it didn't fix wifi but just changed the problem I was having, I rolled it back to 3.2 and stock programs like Safari crashed almost as soon as they displayed on the screen. So I restored again and it was fine. Then I ran Spirit to jailbreak it and haven't had any problems. Just the way it is, I guess, and kind of a small trade-off for having a device that you can't "brick" by conventional definition of the word.
My iPad kept rebooting at least once a week, had done at least 6 full restores of it, finally took it in to Apple store last week, they exchanged it for a new one! Was very impressed, the genius looked at it but couldn't figure out what was wrong so just gave me a new one.

New iPad is running 3.2.1 and appears to be fine... Touch wood :)
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