I think I wasn't clear, sorry. I can easily find which ones are JPEG, RAW, or JPEG+RAW just by searching the file type. But what I want to do is take the JPEG+RAW photos and split them into a JPEG photo and a RAW photo.
I think I wasn't clear, sorry. I can easily find which ones are JPEG, RAW, or JPEG+RAW just by searching the file type. But what I want to do is take the JPEG+RAW photos and split them into a JPEG photo and a RAW photo.
When you import as JPEG+RAW... they are permanently bonded together. However, you can select with one you want on a photo by photo basis.
Now if you want to have both RAW+JPEG as separate images... it is still trivial to perform. Let's assume, that you imported all the pictures into a project as JPEG+RAW (JPEG as Master)... which happens to be my favorite import method.
Select every image in the project (CMD+A)
Create a new Album based on the selection
Create a new version from originals (Aperture > Photo > New version from Original)
Close all stacks (the newly created version will be the album pick)
Set Raw as Master
It takes just a few seconds to do it all... and your entire project instantly has two different sets of versions... one each for RAW and JPEG. You can now use them independently, and they each point back to the same bonded pair. Furthermore... I think for most people it is a fair question to ask... "Why would you want two completely separate and unlinked originals... when it is so easy to have both versions so easily available"... It just makes management so much easier. Just a simple example of how powerful Aperture is.
Of course... if you want separated originals (for whatever reason)... then of course Aperture allows you to import them independently... I just cannot imagine what the benefit would be (at least for my workflow).
The above trick was learned by reading Boyer's ebooks... probably the best source of really learning Aperture basics... and they are dirt cheap. http://photo.rwboyer.com