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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
What exactly are the advantages of shooting RAW+JPG over shooting RAW only. So far the only ones I have seen are:
1) Insurance against Nikons policy of encrypting WB info
2) Faster work flow, though if the first step in my wf is to import the NEF's and convert them to DNG I don't see what this gains me.

Am I missing something?


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2001
NJ Highlands, Earth
What exactly are the advantages of shooting RAW+JPG over shooting RAW only. So far the only ones I have seen are:
1) Insurance against Nikons policy of encrypting WB info
2) Faster work flow, though if the first step in my wf is to import the NEF's and convert them to DNG I don't see what this gains me.

Am I missing something?

I shot RAW+JPG for my Tanzania Safari last year. Granted, I still don't have a good workflow set up, but what I did end up doing for myself "that worked" was to split them apart into two directories, and then downloaded just the JPGs into iPhoto on my 12" G4 Powerbook, which I carried with me for a couple of weeks to do the work of culling my 4000+ images down to 500, and then cherry-picking again that 500 down to around 200. Much of this work was composition and subject duplication, so I didn't really need the RAW versions to make this cut.

Because of the storage capacity and horsepower limits of the G4 laptop, this workflow was managable with just the JPGs.

What remains yet to be done is to go back through one more time and cull the 200 down to around 5-10 über-keepers and post-process their RAWs for reproduction of a big wall-hanger image or two. I've already done two and printed them at roughly 20" x 34"; the one came out really nice, so I want to get another copy of it made at some point.



macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
What exactly are the advantages of shooting RAW+JPG over shooting RAW only. So far the only ones I have seen are:
1) Insurance against Nikons policy of encrypting WB info
2) Faster work flow, though if the first step in my wf is to import the NEF's and convert them to DNG I don't see what this gains me.

Am I missing something?

1) The raw converter you have will work just fine going forward, you can always save them as TIFF or DNG if you're that paranoid.
2) You can print off the card with most cheap printers, kiosks, etc if you need a quick print/proof away from home or you can quickly proof to the Web, a directory, etc.


macrumors 6502
Nov 24, 2004
East Coast, USA
As part of my progression in digital I did for awhile.

First I shot jpeg....

Then I realized I just couldn't save some photos, so I shot RAW + jpeg, because jpeg was good enough 90% of the time, and RAW gave me the option of tweaking later.

Then I realized it that it took too much card space, and just started shooting RAW and haven't looked back.

So, it was sort of like training wheels for me.
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