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macrumors regular
May 6, 2014
Hopefully we will be able to use it on OSX :) If yes then the 500$ are totally worth it.
Instead of the top MBP with dGPU we can just get the base 15" and one of these bad boys and invest in which ever GPU we want.
And the 500$ will go down fast in my opinion, when other players get into eGPU


macrumors G4
Hopefully we will be able to use it on OSX :) If yes then the 500$ are totally worth it.
Instead of the top MBP with dGPU we can just get the base 15" and one of these bad boys and invest in which ever GPU we want.
And the 500$ will go down fast in my opinion, when other players get into eGPU

Not unless Apple updates their line of portable Mac`s to USB C with TB3 and Apple included drivers for OS X. Best and most likely route is to buy a Windows based notebook. Of recent years Apple`s sole focus with the Mac has been aesthetics, I don't see this changing anytime soon.



macrumors 68020
Jul 29, 2012
Dallas, TX
Not unless Apple updates their line of portable Mac`s to USB C with TB3 and Apple included drivers for OS X. Best and most likely route is to buy a Windows based notebook. Of recent years Apple`s sole focus with the Mac has been aesthetics, I don't see this changing anytime soon.


The fact that no Mac right now includes thunderbolt 3(Including the single Mac that has Skylake, the 5K iMac) but almost every new PC does, when Apple helped design the thunderbolt standard in the first place, just makes the current Mac line look even more outdated and sad-looking.


macrumors 6502
Mar 6, 2005
Hopefully we will be able to use it on OSX :) If yes then the 500$ are totally worth it.
Instead of the top MBP with dGPU we can just get the base 15" and one of these bad boys and invest in which ever GPU we want.
And the 500$ will go down fast in my opinion, when other players get into eGPU

Don't forget that it doesn't include a graphics card in the base price of the unit, so you'll have to factor that in as well.


macrumors regular
Original poster
May 22, 2007
Hopefully we will be able to use it on OSX :) If yes then the 500$ are totally worth it.
Instead of the top MBP with dGPU we can just get the base 15" and one of these bad boys and invest in which ever GPU we want.
And the 500$ will go down fast in my opinion, when other players get into eGPU

Yes. Even OWC Thunderbolt 2 dock costs $219. Razer Core essentially can serves as Thunderbolt 3 dock. So additional premium for eGPU and first in market is not that much.

Plus Thunderbolt 3 eGPU price will only go down once other manufacturers enter this market segment.

Question is will Apple fully support eGFX standard...


macrumors regular
May 6, 2014
Not unless Apple updates their line of portable Mac`s to USB C with TB3 and Apple included drivers for OS X. Best and most likely route is to buy a Windows based notebook. Of recent years Apple`s sole focus with the Mac has been aesthetics, I don't see this changing anytime soon.


Im an optimistic guy :) hehe!!! So i really hope to see OSX to support eGPU on USB-C (TB3) , regarding USB-C being more realistic apple should include on the coming gen of Macs USB-C either with or without support for eGPU.
The problem of being optimistic is that i always get disappointed. :)

And having that in mind i have a plan B for my self for the short term, im building my self a TB2 eGPU :)

Don't forget that it doesn't include a graphics card in the base price of the unit, so you'll have to factor that in as well.

Yep, and im totally fine with that, i dont mind dropping 500€ + 300-500€ on a GPU that i can upgrade whenever i want :)
In Portugal the rMBP base is 2300€ and the top spec is 2850€ so the 500€ savings will be for the eGPU and an extra for the GPU makes it totally worth it.

Specially if we can use NVIDIA and AMD that will help everyone depending on their workflow and preference :)

Yes. Even OWC Thunderbolt 2 dock costs $219. Razer Core essentially can serves as Thunderbolt 3 dock. So additional premium for eGPU and first in market is not that much.

Plus Thunderbolt 3 eGPU price will only go down once other manufacturers enter this market segment.

Question is will Apple fully support eGFX standard...

Yep, i just purchased a 250€ dock TB2 to build myself a eGPU and i still have to buy some other parts so i will end up with 300€ plus all the mods :) - 500€ working out of the box is a great price.

Being optimistic as always, i believe that Razer Core will be successfully and other players will enter very soon :)


macrumors G4
The fact that no Mac right now includes thunderbolt 3(Including the single Mac that has Skylake, the 5K iMac) but almost every new PC does, when Apple helped design the thunderbolt standard in the first place, just makes the current Mac line look even more outdated and sad-looking.

Sadly been like that for some time, Apple is far from the front of the pack these days for innovation, even with the upcoming refresh of hardware for 2016 I have low expectations; thinner & lighter is given, as for functionality who knows as that appears to be the least of Apple`s concerns.

As for the current line up, I can safely say that Apple offers nothing of interest to me, especially at their rather humorous price points, they are placing on yesteryear & mediocre hardware. We will hopefully see on the 21st what Apple plans for the Mac. After we get past all the awesomeness of it all, I rather fear that once again we will be left with little more than corporate hubris and a mediocre line up.

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