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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Feb 28, 2006
Ann Arbor
So I'm trying to figure out my plan for Friday morning, but keep coming up with more questions and scenarios. My latest thought was if I should re-jail my jailbroken iPhone before Friday. I'm still not sure if I'm going to the Apple Store or AT&T, but either way, would it be beneficial to do so? I'd imagine that they would just need to pop out the SIM card, but I don't want to run into any issues.
Are you planning on trading it in?

The easiest thing to do will be updating it to 3.0, the baseband should get updated in the process and no more jailbreak-y goodness.
I'm planning on just holding on to it and selling it.

Good point about upgrading though. I'd just rather not have a jailed iPhone with me while waiting in line on Friday if possible.

Think it'll matter? An AT&T rep told me that they were doing the activations in-store... but everywhere online says they're having the customers do it via iTunes at home.
If you have any concerns then why on earth would you jailbreak you phone before Friday?? Jeez dude its Tuesday you can't wait 3 more days to not jailbreak your phone especially if you are having concerns in doing it? :eek:
There is no reason whatsoever for them to check this. Even if they do, so what. All you do with jailbreaking and unlocking is void the warranty in theory. They will still sell you the new phone. If you are keeping the old one and trying to sell it later, then keep it broken and unlock it too. Do not make the mistake of upgrading it to 3.0 though as that may not be able to be jailbroken and unlocked right away. Jailbroken and unlocked phones go for a lot more on eBay than locked phones do.
Do not make the mistake of upgrading it to 3.0 though as that may not be able to be jailbroken and unlocked right away. Jailbroken and unlocked phones go for a lot more on eBay than locked phones do.

Your advice was good until yesterday:


You better sell that thing ASAP!
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