OK, so I`m going to tell you something that really freaked me out.
I`m playing my guitar in GarageBand thrue the Arena overdrive setting on the virtual guitar amp. The guitar is making the same humming in GB as it does on a real amp, and the gain and volume settings are quite high and I`m having alot of fun.
Then i pause the backing track and hold my lefthand fingers atop the strings to quiet the feedback from the amp: You guys will never guess what happens next.
I hear childrens voices singing, in english (i live in NORWAY!!), singing jesus loves me and something like that. jesus is good jesus loves me. The freaky thing is that its comming from the guitar amp in GB, Meaning the singin is coming from my Les Paul? WhAT?
I am not a religious man, but right now I`m reconsidering my stand on that perticular matter.
Anyways, at this point I`m getting a bit upset. Is GOD talking to me? did someone slip me a mickey? am I insane?
All of the above?
After a coupple of minutes of lying under my bed screaming, i come to my senses. turn the signal input on my 410 audio interface down. the voices are gone now. I call a producer I know, and tell him what i have experienced. He tells me he`s heard of it happening before, and (puh..
it`s not GOD talking to me. I live nearby a church and he suspects they might have a childrens choir, and theyr equipment might affect my equip.
I have used GB alot since, and have not experienced the "angel" voices again, so I`m hoping it was a one time thing. I even talked to apple about it and they ensure me there are NO samples of girls singing "jesus loves me" in GB or GB JamPack... But I am interested;
Has anyone else had weird experiences like this with GB (or other audio software/hardware? I`d like to hear from you.
I`m playing my guitar in GarageBand thrue the Arena overdrive setting on the virtual guitar amp. The guitar is making the same humming in GB as it does on a real amp, and the gain and volume settings are quite high and I`m having alot of fun.
Then i pause the backing track and hold my lefthand fingers atop the strings to quiet the feedback from the amp: You guys will never guess what happens next.
I hear childrens voices singing, in english (i live in NORWAY!!), singing jesus loves me and something like that. jesus is good jesus loves me. The freaky thing is that its comming from the guitar amp in GB, Meaning the singin is coming from my Les Paul? WhAT?
I am not a religious man, but right now I`m reconsidering my stand on that perticular matter.
Anyways, at this point I`m getting a bit upset. Is GOD talking to me? did someone slip me a mickey? am I insane?
All of the above?
After a coupple of minutes of lying under my bed screaming, i come to my senses. turn the signal input on my 410 audio interface down. the voices are gone now. I call a producer I know, and tell him what i have experienced. He tells me he`s heard of it happening before, and (puh..
I have used GB alot since, and have not experienced the "angel" voices again, so I`m hoping it was a one time thing. I even talked to apple about it and they ensure me there are NO samples of girls singing "jesus loves me" in GB or GB JamPack... But I am interested;
Has anyone else had weird experiences like this with GB (or other audio software/hardware? I`d like to hear from you.