ReadAndCall is an iPhone App that simplifies how you call and remember phone numbers. Simply position the phone over a number and it instantly reads it so you can call it, add it to your contacts list or add it to a 'to do' call list for calling later.
You can use it anywhere you see a printed phone number (e.g. magazines, websites, statements, television, newpapers, flyers, ...).
ReadAndCall is FAST and ACCURATE. See for yourself in the 1 minute youtube video ( ).
You can also read the review from Mac Rumors sister site - AppShopper.
If this app can be useful for you, it can be found in the App store :
Thanks for taking the time to read this thread.
You can use it anywhere you see a printed phone number (e.g. magazines, websites, statements, television, newpapers, flyers, ...).
ReadAndCall is FAST and ACCURATE. See for yourself in the 1 minute youtube video ( ).
You can also read the review from Mac Rumors sister site - AppShopper.
If this app can be useful for you, it can be found in the App store :
Thanks for taking the time to read this thread.
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