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Original poster
Jan 26, 2009
Readdle is working on the portation of ReaddleDocs for iPad.
5 days till deadline left, but we'll do our best the submit it in time, so our users can enjoy one of the best file management applications in the AppStore on their iPads.

ReaddleDocs features document viewer, file manager, network file server, web storage client and web browser combined within single iPhone application package. Also, all ReaddleDocs users are eligible to get FREE “App Store” account at Readdle Storage web service to store up to 512 Mb of data online.

If you don't know what ReaddleDocs is, you can check it out at our web-site:

or in the AppStore:

I'm pleased to inform you that Readdle has released ReaddleDocs and Shakespear Pro for iPad.

ReaddleDocs is a powerful file management/ attachments saving/file viewing/PDF reader application which was one of the best of this nature.
We have released initial version that is already available on the App Store. This version won't have much extra compared to the iPhone one yet, but it will evolve significantly, once we spend some time working with the hardware first to make sure everything flows as expected.

Shakespear Pro for iPad was also redeseigned completely in order to give our readers maximum opportunities and satisfaction.





ReaddleDocs for iPad 1.0.1 is out. New features:
-USB transfer via iTunes
-files may be opened by Readdledocs from other apps and even from e-mail -minor bug fixes and productivity improvements.

The update is free for all users of previous version.
I do not believe that advertising is appropriate on this forum. If 100000app vendors advertised here there would be no room for discussion. :D
I was going to buy this last night. I'll compare it to what I already have and most likely give it a shot. looks good.
ReaddleDocs for iPad 1.0.1 is out. New features:
-USB transfer via iTunes

Did I read this right? You can transfer via USB in iTunes? I thought transfers were via wifi, 3G, etc. only.

Can anybody comment on how ReaddleDocs compares to other similar file managers, such as Air Share, iFiles, digiDNA's FileApp, etc.? They all seem similar to me and I'm looking for a unique feature to distinguish one from the other. Non-wireless transfer (e.g., via USB) would be a huge consideration for me.
I've been using this app on both iPhone 3G S and iPad, and I highly recommend it. It is the best one I've found to date.
I do not believe that advertising is appropriate on this forum. If 100000app vendors advertised here there would be no room for discussion. :D

Completely agree. You could have posted this in the app store area of the forums, but you just had to get your name out there... It is annoying.

Any moderator want to move or better yet delete this ad/spam?
Did I read this right? You can transfer via USB in iTunes? I thought transfers were via wifi, 3G, etc. only.

Thanks designresults... can you confirm that files can be transferred via USB in iTunes? :)

Yes, many apps support this now with the iPad. The feature is built into iTunes and works with quite a few apps such as Pages, GoodReader, etc. You can simply drag and drop files directly in iTunes to be transferred to a certain app.

To access this, you just go to your sync screen, click on the Apps tab, then scroll down to the bottom.
I'm a heavy duty business power user. I use very large files for work. 100mb PDFs, 5meg spreadsheets, Ect.

While I have AirSharing HD and Goodreader, and do like them both for light file management, Readdledocs is in a class of itss own. Neither Air or Good could handle large files like Readdle does. Add in the excellent integration of iDisk and email and you've got a very powerful program.
Yes, many apps support this now with the iPad. The feature is built into iTunes and works with quite a few apps such as Pages, GoodReader, etc. You can simply drag and drop files directly in iTunes to be transferred to a certain app.

To access this, you just go to your sync screen, click on the Apps tab, then scroll down to the bottom.

Thanks jeffy... I'm aware of the function in iTunes, but I thought that the majority of these File Manager apps worked only via some wireless/remote connection given that the iPad/iPhone does not appear as a remote drive when connected. I hate to say it, but sometimes I miss working with the obvious folder/directory structure of a Windows CE device when it was connected to my old Windows machines. :rolleyes:
I do not believe that advertising is appropriate on this forum. If 100000app vendors advertised here there would be no room for discussion. :D

I'm sorry that you've got a feeling that this is an advertisement, but it is not.
This topic was originally created to provide forum readers up to date information about ReaddleDocs for iPad. What's more, we encourage our users to give us feedback and suggestions as Readdle always keep an eye on demands and desires of our users.

Now answering the questions:
-video of ReaddleDocs for iPad will be available soon on the YouTube, I'll keep you noticed.
-ReaddleDocs supports USB file transfer via iTunes

We'll be glad to hear your thoughts, suggestions and opinions of what features do you want to see in the future updates. You can e-mail directly or just write here.

P.S. Photos reloaded. ^^
Is there any way right now to bring the photos you download into the Photos app for access in iWork? Or does this integrate directly with iWork?

Yes, you can open the photo in ReaddleDocs (after downloading it), after it you tap on the action button (upper right corner) and press "safe to gallery", then you can use that photo in Pages.
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