It would be excellent to study my class notes with the iPad. But they all are in word format and on my iDisk. Is it possible to read word files off my iDisk with the iPad? Will GoodReader do it?
Yes, GoodReader will do that. It can connect directly to your iDisk and download just about any file to your iPad. Once downloaded, your files can be viewed and organized in folders within the app.
Excellent. So which is better; Air Sharing or GoodReader?
Goodreader works great but the Pages app is very limited so it may filter ir mangle many common features of a word doc on import.
You might print them to PDF files and then use iannotate for studying. Then you get to see all the features of the doc and can highlight, markup etc. Iannotate also knows how to use iDisk.
Wait, if I don't have pages I can't view docs with goodreader?
Goodreader works great but the Pages app is very limited so it may filter ir mangle many common features of a word doc on import.
You might print them to PDF files and then use iannotate for studying. Then you get to see all the features of the doc and can highlight, markup etc. Iannotate also knows how to use iDisk.
Wow. Iannotate looks promising. I am thinking the method would be
1. Print doc to PDF on your desktop/laptop
2. Upload to iDisk
3. Open in iannotate
4. Get to work
Is this correct? What are the export options when done, is this still a PDF?
Wait, if I don't have pages I can't view docs with goodreader?