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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jun 27, 2008
Ok, so I'm ready to JB and was wanting to run a few things by everyone here first.

Is this a good, updated guide to JB?

After I jailbreak will I still have my contacts?

Also, to run the apps from Cydia, do I need to install anything else? I've read some about "winterboard"...

Sorry if its a repeat, but I'm new to JB'ing and don't want to mess anything up.

It depends on what you want to do with your phone after you've jailbreaked it.

Winterboard is basically an app that lets you apply themes and other changes to the look and feel of your phone, it's a very nice tool to have.

As for your contacts, as long as you don't accidentally restore your phone somehow, all your data will remain intact.
It depends on what you want to do with your phone after you've jailbreaked it.

Winterboard is basically an app that lets you apply themes and other changes to the look and feel of your phone, it's a very nice tool to have.

As for your contacts, as long as you don't accidentally restore your phone somehow, all your data will remain intact.

So I can download winterboard in Cydia?

btw- I'm using Pwnage.
One problem?

When I open an app the white top bar with the ATT and wifi, battery, works but when I close the app it doesnt appear? It works after I go back to lockscreen. It only does it when I close something that I have open.

Anyone else experience this problem?
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