Ok, so I'm ready to JB and was wanting to run a few things by everyone here first.
Is this a good, updated guide to JB? http://www.iclarified.com/entry/index.php?enid=4254
After I jailbreak will I still have my contacts?
Also, to run the apps from Cydia, do I need to install anything else? I've read some about "winterboard"...
Sorry if its a repeat, but I'm new to JB'ing and don't want to mess anything up.

Is this a good, updated guide to JB? http://www.iclarified.com/entry/index.php?enid=4254
After I jailbreak will I still have my contacts?
Also, to run the apps from Cydia, do I need to install anything else? I've read some about "winterboard"...
Sorry if its a repeat, but I'm new to JB'ing and don't want to mess anything up.