Hey everyone, just wondering if you could help me out on a network question. I've currently got a 8022.11g network with 10Mb cable internet connection running at home which handles a couple of Macbooks, a PS3, Wiii, iPod Touch and, of course, my shiny new iPad. I'm about to add a Mac Mini which will basically be a 24/7 server mainly for streaming video via Air Video and doing USB syncing for all the iDevices.
What I'm currently considering is sticking in an Airport Extreme at the same time. Wireless time machine would be very handy and the ability to seperate out my friends wireless access from the main network when they come round is good for peace of mind. My big question though is whether or not I'll see / feel any performance increase on the devices connected to the network, specificaly the iPad. Obviously when the Mac Mini goes in there's going to be a fair amount of traffic which isn't going to help matters but if I'm going to sell it to the wife ideally she needs to actually feel the benefits in daily use.
Anyone out there used their iPad's on both g and n networks? And if so did was there any performance difference whatsoever?
As always thanks in advance for any and all help / feedback / comments
What I'm currently considering is sticking in an Airport Extreme at the same time. Wireless time machine would be very handy and the ability to seperate out my friends wireless access from the main network when they come round is good for peace of mind. My big question though is whether or not I'll see / feel any performance increase on the devices connected to the network, specificaly the iPad. Obviously when the Mac Mini goes in there's going to be a fair amount of traffic which isn't going to help matters but if I'm going to sell it to the wife ideally she needs to actually feel the benefits in daily use.
Anyone out there used their iPad's on both g and n networks? And if so did was there any performance difference whatsoever?
As always thanks in advance for any and all help / feedback / comments