Realistically they will do it if/when they can. They've had the hardware for 2 days. Unfortunately for us, the dev team has lives, I hope.Any day? Any week? Or are they on AT&T time and not till next year sometime?
Wasnt JB out for the 3G the day of the release. Or even a day or two before?
when the 3GS is JB, will the cydia apps work the same as on the 3G?? I assume the hardware doesnt matter
The jailbreak for 3G came out 5 days after the 3G was released, so I'd say in the next 2-3 days there will be a 3G S jailbreak released.
This is a bad assumption. The reason for the quick 3G jailbreak was that the 3G used the same processor as before and therefore had the same security hole. A look at the time to crack the 2G Touch would give a more realistic analogy as to the time for the 3GS.
The Touch 2G was released in August 2008. It was officially jailbroken in January-Feburary 2009. Expect a similar time frame for the 3GS.
My guess is they are still working on Ultrasn0w, so the 3GS may have to wait.
Wirelessly posted (iPhone 3G (white): Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)
Ironic that there's FINALLY an iPhone with enough processing power/RAM to jailbreak without massive slowdowns but it can't actually be jailbroken. Too funny.
Any day? Any week?
I think the same.My guess is they are still working on Ultrasn0w, so the 3GS may have to wait.