I am hoping for a Passthrough centric interface that Applifies what Meta is doing at a B to B + level. I have the Quest Pro (couple days) and it is an excellent device but it has a few shortcomings where Apple can really shine.
I hope and believe that Apple will have critical apps (productivity, collaboration, design and creative) from self and key partners at launch that run natively.
Visuals (both imposed and passthrough) will need to be next level. Quest Pro is visually adequate for many functions so a mid-high bar is set. Apple shines there and I am hopeful that they can deliver this for $3,000.
Minimize the silly. Meta has this covered
. Cartoony elements weigh on this entire space. Eliminate them from all default areas and make them elements that need to be sought out if desired.
Apple needs to Edit. Apple is terrific at editing and omitting. Meta fails here. The Meta devices are incredible, and great content is present but they are littered with old/bad apps, frivolous nonsense and these elements take a user a while to omit or avoid.