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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 23, 2009
Iphone 3g no display what so ever,itunes recognizes phone lists everything the way it should. Phone makes noise when it connects with computer ( windows) vibrates when you switch hold button off and on but nothing else no display no apple logo's etc. Have tried all sort of resets to no avail it is upgraded to 3.0 and not jailbroken just no display black screen,think it is a big prob and have not found answer on any forum. Phone is out of warranty so apple not a option.
Would be great to find a answer
not water damaged
look forward to suggestions

You don't have a single complete sentence in your entire thread...

Have you tried restoring in DFU mode?
sounds like your lcd is damaged or the connection is damaged. Maybe you should take it into Apple and see what they think of it and let them tell you whats wrong with it and go from there, if a new lcd is needed you can sort it out yourself and fit it for alot less than Apple's looking (£120) lol.
One of the people I do freelance work for sends me notes written like that. Hate it. Ooops, I meant, "I hate it". Still, he has to pay me extra for the time I spend trying to decipher them :D
I think also a damaged LCD, Take it to Apple and have them check it out.
Be Kind, not everyone can speak or write english.
Well for everyone that complained about my way of posting here is the proper version !!!!
The phone is a out of warranty 3 g 8gb version, on the optus network here in Aus. The phone has not been jailbroken and is upgraded to 3.0 .
When the phone is connected to my pc it will start up with a noise which I presume means connected to the computer, then Itunes will open and the phone will appear on the left hand menu bar.
Basically everything works it connects it , it syncs ,it charges but there is nothing on the screen,completely blank.
I have done countless restores of as many different restore methods listed on this forum, but alas no joy.
I am starting to think that the LCD or what ever else is under there is buggered.
Hope this is written in a manner to all of your approval !!:D
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