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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 7, 2006
I installed boot camp and sutf... however when i reboot my macbook pro, it only shows a white screen and nothing esle. It won't boot or load or do anything. It just stays there.. the white screen.. WHAT IS HAPPENING ? My Macbook is only 2 months old and I am really scared that its spoilt...

Urgent.. help me please.
Not sure how to help you, but I think I can safely reassure you that it wont be permanently spoilt.

Im sure someone on these forums will know how to fix it. :)
No, i cant even do anything... I tried pressing buttons but it just won't work...
mad jew said:
So you put the OSX disc in, boot up holding C, and you're greeted with the same white screen?
Relax and do as the Mad Jew says. Your machine is ok. Unless it is the White Screen of Death you are seeing in which case you'll have to send it in.... to me...forever.... Muahahaha..... ok I'm done.
I have a disc in my macbook pro.... I cant take it out to but the OSX disc in.. !!
CAN't CAN'T CAN'T... ARGH... its finished... nothing helps !!!
OK, stop trying, you are panicking and not in a suitable frame of mind to attempt repairs. It is in moments like this when people do really, really dumb things and void their warranties or permanently damage a machine that was easily fixable.

Pack the machine up and take it to your nearest Apple Service provider. It will cost you a labour fee -- this isn't covered under warranty.
CanadaRAM is right, at this point your best option is to just take it in to a repair center. You have to remember that BootCamp is a beta, and you did click "Accept" to install it at your own risk. I don't know if Apple will take care of the problem for free for you (most likely they'll just pull the drive, wipe it, and reinstall the OS), but your best bet is to take it in to them instead of doing something that could hurt the MacBook Pro further.
nilmar said:
teach me what to do... I beg u all...
If you're still farting around with it (hopefully you haven't done anything too bad yet :D ), try restarting and holding down option + command + o + f to get you into the open firmware. Type in "eject cd" without quotes and the disc should come out (once I had to type it in twice to get it to work). Then type mac boot as indicated on the screen to get it back to OSX. And pour yourself a stiff one or roll a fatty. :D
OK...i solved the problem... my mac thought that disc is a bootable disc... i managed to get it out ( and not destroying anything)... I remove the scary boot camp and the windows partition. BUT... the partition is still there after i remove it... theres still two harddisk icons on my desktop, one OS X, the other XP. What happen now?!
You can either reformat your entire drive and reinstall OSX, which means losing all your data unless it's well backed up, or you can just leave it there. Is it worth a full format and install? :)
neocell said:
If you're still farting around with it (hopefully you haven't done anything too bad yet :D ), try restarting and holding down option + command + o + f to get you into the open firmware. Type in "eject cd" without quotes and the disc should come out (once I had to type it in twice to get it to work). Then type mac boot as indicated on the screen to get it back to OSX. And pour yourself a stiff one or roll a fatty. :D
OpenFirmware is a thing of the past in the new Intel world with EFI. Sadly it also doesn't have a console like OpenFirmware did.
nilmar said:
OK...i solved the problem... my mac thought that disc is a bootable disc... i managed to get it out ( and not destroying anything)... I remove the scary boot camp and the windows partition. BUT... the partition is still there after i remove it... theres still two harddisk icons on my desktop, one OS X, the other XP. What happen now?!

The next time you have a disc in your MacBook and it wont eject...

HOLD down the power key until the Mac shuts off.
Press the Power Button and IMMEDIATELY press and HOLD the trackpad button UNTIL the CD ejects. It will, it might take a while, but it will.

Re run the boot camp wizard. It will give you an option to remove the Windows XP partition.

Installing XP does NOT void your warranty. If you were trying to install Windows, make sure you're using an XP Service Pack 2 install disc.

Hope it helps.

mad jew said:
If possible, shut it down normally rather than force a shutdown this way. :)

He said he was at a white screen. the Mac wouldn't boot. But I agree. If you're Mac was running, shut 'er down normally if you can. :)
This happened to me yesterday while installing bootcamp on my replacement iMac...

it was the XP disk making trouble, but I got the white screen on reboot and it went no further
I ejected the disk (like people have said, boot the machine and hold down your mouse/trackpad button)
then inserted my instal Disk booted up holding C which took me to the instal menu, I went to the menu bar and selected Start Up Disk
from there I re-selected Mac OS 10.4.6 and restarted.

it started up fine, I cleaned up my XP disk, reinserted it, went back to boot camp set up and all ran fine

I know how scary it is, my iMac was a replacement and I was convinced i'd managed to break it lol.

hope you get/got it sorted
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