I installed a ps af protector(more on that later, surprised i haven't received an email back about issues i've had)...turned up the brightness from where it was...leads to more battery drain, not a ton more, but noticeable. So heres the thing..I used my ipad a lot today, finally maxed it...so at about 18% and knowing I have to use the device for another four-five hours I plugged it in, kept using it. Charging indicator is on...at rest it charges...but in use..it is still dropping percentage. I am REALLY surprised that using the device while plugged in would not only disallow charging but actively drain. Seems like a major oversight to me, the ac charge not being able to keep up with usage.
Before you respond with, mine does! Take a min to crack your brightness up high, then plug it in and use it for an hour..see what happens, its slow, but it does drain.
Before you respond with, mine does! Take a min to crack your brightness up high, then plug it in and use it for an hour..see what happens, its slow, but it does drain.