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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 8, 2005
toronto, ontario, canada
I was talking to my dad today about buying a new computer. we are both avid mac users, so we were talking about the value of the machine in terms of profitability. I told him I was purchasing a Mac-pro "quad 2.66, 1gig, 250gbs, x1900xt" it was a little over 3k in canadian with student discount. My dad being a laptop user says; "why don't you get a macbook pro?" --really throwing a wrench in my decision--
my question to the macrumors community is - does it seem a stupid decision to drop all of that computing power for portability at the same pricepoint?
the 17" macbook pro comes in at around the same price with 2 gigs of ram.
Seriously though, I would only give up on all the Mac Pro wonders if I actually needed the portability. I've got a laptop that does just fine and it was only $350.
I guess what it really boils down to is what you'll need it for. Portability is only valuable if you'll need to take your computer with you (school, work, etc...). If it's going to sit on the same desk for most of it's life there's just no advantage.
to me, if you really need the mac pro's computing power, go for it. you can always buy a cheaper (2nd hand?) laptop if you need portability. however if you don't really need that kind of raw power, go ahead with a MBP. it gives you pretty good power and also portability.

well 75% of the time I use my laptop as a desktop. I have not used a true desktop for a while, the raw power would be a definite help, as I am a media artist, but the portability may help with school. although allot of work is done through my sketchbook and moleskin notebook. I constantly read these threads trying to understand the portable line, allot of my associates and friends use the macbook pro, but they are mostly web-site designers or fcp candidates. I was looking to venture into the lesser known, full production aka- photoshop+after effects+fcp+motion+shake... to do more complex works. Currently I use the schools single 1.8's dual 2.2's as they are the only ones holding motion. As of now, I am typing from a 1.33 gigahertz 12" Ibook --I know-- sad story, it was bought as a cheap safety, as I knew intel was on the horizon. I know I would see a huge performance leap with either machine, but will either one hold up very long?. I here of the meroms "core 2 duos" coming and I cannot wait that long. My dad also checks these threads, and I have given him a link to this one as to help both of us decide.
ok, mac pro it is, my dad has agreed. I am buying this with a student loan borrowed against my dad, so that is why. quad 2.66, 1gig of ram, 250 gig hardrive, radeon x1900xt, bt+ape, wireless keyboard and mouse yay!
treysmay said:
ok, mac pro it is, my dad has agreed. I am buying this with a student loan borrowed against my dad, so that is why. quad 2.66, 1gig of ram, 250 gig hardrive, radeon x1900xt, bt+ape, wireless keyboard and mouse yay!

Congrats, that's a beast of a desktop! :)
treysmay said:
ok, mac pro it is, my dad has agreed. I am buying this with a student loan borrowed against my dad, so that is why. quad 2.66, 1gig of ram, 250 gig hardrive, radeon x1900xt, bt+ape, wireless keyboard and mouse yay!

Congrats, that is one sweet machine!
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