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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 13, 2004
Hi all:

I'm looking for an inexpensive home studio setup to record demos. I use Reason, guitars and vocals. Will Garageband let me import all those things? (I assume all I'd need to buy is an Imic, right?)

Reason and GB share some features, Reason's a much more powerful MIDI/synth/sequencing package, but has no recording function.

I can think of no way to directly link the two apps, but you could compose in Reason, export as aif files and import into GB, then record your guitar and vocals, and add any loops etc.

Yes, you'll need an audio interface and a MIDI one too if you haven't already got one.
Cool. Thanks. I dug out my old 4-track and discovered it only has mono inputs, so I was trying to think of a new way to compose demos without shelling out too much dough. This seems like a pretty cool way to do it. Are the samples on garageband comparable to Reason? I'm doing electronic pop stuff.
Again, it's slightly different, most of the samples in Reason are multi-samples designed to be used as musical instruments acroos keyboards, there are loops, especially in the loop player, GB's samples are mainly loops that are dynamically stretched and pitched.

GB also has som EXS style mulit-samples in the MIDI instruments, which is where the cross-over occours.

Of the two apps, Reason will probably be more use for your kind of music, but GB can be very useful here too. I haven't tried to import sample either way, but GB samples are .aif format, as are reasons, so I see no reason (ho ho) why you shouldn't use GB samples in the Reason sampler, and the other way around.
Apparently GB now supports ReWire, according to a thread I read at I haven't had a chance to check this out yet personally, and they were collectively trying to figure out how to get a Reason object to show up in GB, but 1.0.1 seems to support ReWire. It'll be interesting to see how long this stays in, and if it does, how complete the ReWire support will be.
Thanks so much for all the help. I've learned a lot in a day! One more question: I'm on an ibook g3 500mhz...seems like GB might need a faster computer? Would I be better off with something like Deck...or some piece of hardware? I can't afford a new computer unfortunately.
Originally posted by kanker
Apparently GB now supports ReWire, according to a thread I read at I haven't had a chance to check this out yet personally, and they were collectively trying to figure out how to get a Reason object to show up in GB, but 1.0.1 seems to support ReWire. It'll be interesting to see how long this stays in, and if it does, how complete the ReWire support will be.

Looks like it's just at sync level at the moment, there's no audio streaming into GB in any way, but I wouldn't be surprised to see a ReWire instrument ala ProTools at some point.
Bought GB. I've already had great results just dropping my reason song files as AIFFs into GB, and then layering vocals/guitar on top of it. You just basically have to do all you effects stuff in reason, but i"m pleasantly surprised how well it's working.
If you mute all the tracks in reason and then unmute individual tracks (or maybe all the drums) and then export to aiff, you end up with a bunch of individual tracks that you can throw into GB and then add you other stuff over the top.

This allows you to use the GB effects on the individual tracks and get a better mix going.

It's a good way to transfer files from most apps to others.
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