How long did it take everyone for Apple to recieve your UPC/Form for the Major in Mac rebate? I sent mine last Tuesday from Delaware(via Priority Mail), and they still haven't received it? I hope I didn't get screwed out of my $180
I started the process on line, but from the time I mailed the rebates & UPCs until the time I received the check was almost 4 weeks exactly. And for the first 2 weeks the Apple Rebate Status page said that my stuff had not been received.
It's been longer than 4 weeks for me. Does anyone know what I should do in this case? I made sure to make copies of everything to send them, will they accept that if everything seems to have gotten lost in the process somewhere?
Nope--one still needs to maim those pretty boxes and mail in the receipts and UPC. Starting the process on-line gave me a couple of extra days to get to the post office though. I needed to mail my rebate process by July 17th, but when I started it online, I just had to get everything to the post office by August 1st.
I sent my rebate submission in Certified w/ Return Rec't as $180 is a lot of $ to be screwed out of especially when you don't even need a 2GB nano in the first place (sold it on eBay BTW).
My return rec't came back about 4 days after I sent it in. That was around Aug 17th. I did the electronic pre-submission figuring it would be faster. As of today Apple's rebate status site still says they haven't rec'd my UPC and rec't info.
I'm guessing Apple switched to a different fulfillment co. because my past experience has been such that I got the rebate pretty quick...sometimes even before my CC statement arrived. Not sure what the hold up is, but they seem to be slow for everyone.