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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 26, 2006
Hey, I got a small 8GB microHDD from my work, and since it uses the CF card interface I decided to see if it would work in my Rebel, and haven't had any luck so far. What it does it when the camera turns on it says "There is a problem with the CF card. Replace the CF card." I know there is no problem with it as it mounts just fine in Windows and Mac, but seems to not want to work in the camera. I've tried formatting it in the card which leads to Err99. I have formatted in Disk Utility as well and still no go. So, I am wondering if the Rebel can't read up to an 8gb capacity therefore the cam not recognizing it, or maybe since it is a disk drive the camera cannot give it enough power to function, or maybe there is some solution? Either way, I have two 2gb CF cards so I am alright as far as memory on the go is, but never hurts to have more :cool:


macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 26, 2006
Yeah, I've had it formated to FAT32, it probably is the power issue. Thanks for the input :)


macrumors 65816
The Rebel is not going to work with a micro HDD. You will need either a type I or II CF card.

Furthermore, why are you trying to format the microHDD in Disk Utility? That's a true recipe for disaster. If anything, you should be doing everything in the camera, including erasing your pictures, formating, etc. If the camera won't let you format, it's likely trying to tell you something.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 26, 2006
Haha, I thought as much. Well, it didn't hurt to try anyways. Thanks a lot. :D I could probably stick this in my comp as a scratch disk :p
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