I haven't received one yet, but I would be suspicious of any email that leads to somewhere requesting bank information. Make sure it is www.hulu.com and not a phishing site.
I haven't received one yet, but I would be suspicious of any email that leads to somewhere requesting bank information. Make sure it is www.hulu.com and not a phishing site.
don't enter your bank details unless you want to see money disappear really fast... my idiot mother nearly fell for this when she received a HM Customs and Revenue Tax Rebate that required all her bank details and passwords on a site that didn't even have a Domain Name, just an IP Address... and i thought Hulu was free for you Americans?
By "preview," Hulu means that it is giving you the opportunity to see what it's like to pay for their service before anyone else. This is not a free trial; if you want to "preview" Hulu Plus, then you need to sign up with a credit card so they can charge you.
I got the email to but I don't know if I want to get into that service anymore, do you think there's a time limit as to when you can get subscribed to the service?
I too got an invite for the preview and signed up. Its great. I love getting full seasons of my favorite shows on both my iphone and iPad. For $10/month I highly recommend it. Quality of shows looks great on my iPhone, iPad, and desktop PC.