Ive never seen a mac product scratched out of the box, call apple and they will replace it.
Might they not say 'You could have dented that yourself and just wanted a new one, you cannot prove that it was dented before you recieved it'...?
The Apple logo the other way around? That's strange. I wonder how the WiFi will work then? (the WiFi antenna is under the logo)scratched and even the logo is the other way around.. *tztztztztz*
scratched and even the logo is the other way around.. *tztztztztz*
i feel for you. i hope you get a replacement immediately, so you can give us i7 iMac possible buyers information, how the good (and hopefully not bad) the iMac is.
They are sending me a new one, no questions asked. They were very cool about it, and told me that scratches/dents are unacceptable.
They will also be sending the new one overnight, free of charge!
I am a very happy camper. Thank you, Apple!
Make sure you get a free remote! Make a fuss..that's absurd. I recently bought an Euphonix MC Mix and it had a scratch on it. Very slight and cosmetic, and I had too many projects to do so I left it. But something of this magnitude I would kick up a storm about.
Make sure you get a free remote! Make a fuss..that's absurd. I recently bought an Euphonix MC Mix and it had a scratch on it. Very slight and cosmetic, and I had too many projects to do so I left it. But something of this magnitude I would kick up a storm about.
Julian I take it you have Logic.Do you have a iMac i7?if so how's it running.? Is it multithreading.? Vitual cores?How does ii do on plug hogs like Kontakt, Battery(if you have them of course).Thanks