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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 26, 2019
Virginia, USA
I bought the new MBP 2018 right after it came out and have enjoyed learning how to use it after a lifetime of Windows products. However, the one thing I can't figure out to save my life is how to set the network to Private or even how to create a home network. Used to be pretty straight-forward in Windows but not-so-much on this MBP. And yes, I've Googled it until I'm blue in the face. Surely it can't be that hard. This MB is showing WORKGROUP with no other options. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Nov 2, 2018
is how to set the network to Private

What do you mean by this? What does this do in windows?

how to create a home network

If you have multiple computers on the same LAN they should appear in the Finder sidebar and in the “browse network” view. I guess maybe you want to set the “workgroup” name? It should be editable under network > advanced > wins tab in system preferences.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 26, 2019
Virginia, USA
I have Kaspersky for MAC as virus/malware/wi-fi protection and it's constantly warning me that my connection is public and anyone on the planet can "probe" my network.


macrumors 68020
Aug 27, 2015
on the land line mr. smith.
I have Kaspersky for MAC as virus/malware/wi-fi protection and it's constantly warning me that my connection is public and anyone on the planet can "probe" my network.

If you are behind a normal router (with NAT and a stateful firewall), this is not a thing. Not on any computer.

Keep in mind that many of the security companies sell fear. The nags are to get you to buy the premium products.

Also be aware their are no viruses for Macs.

Yes, there is some adware and malware....but much much less than for Windows. Most Mac users use no AV software, and have no issues. If you feel uncomfortable with that, consider some products that are less intrusive. Avira and Sophos have nag free, yet no cost do others. For malware alone, MalwareBytes has a free tool that works well too, though it will nag a bit to upgrade to the paid version.

Your money and effort are better spent—for all machines on your network—on a good, modern router that will block most threats at the perimeter, so they can't get to any device.

As for the differences on Win box, it's not really the network settings (specifically) that are different between public and private, it is the network discoverable settings, like file sharing, screen sharing, printer sharing, etc. On a Mac, these are all located in the System Preferences/Sharing preference.

With these off, they are not discoverable, and not usable. Even with these sharing options on, a password is needed, so a limited risk.

If you were on a public network (say a coffee shop) you could uncheck most or all of the Sharing options....would be essentially the same as selecting Public in Windows. Or to say it another way, selecting Public on Windows unchecks these things for you automatically. On a Mac, you would uncheck all that you don't need manually.

But at home, or on any private network you trust, no need; no machine outside the network can see your Mac, or any machine on the LAN (assuming a decent router/firewall).

Generally speaking, best practice on all platforms is to only turn on services and sharing options you need to use. The less that is on (open) the less there is to detect or attack. So if you don't need any of the sharing options on, leave them all off. Done.
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