Does anyone know if a native recipe app is coming or in the works? I would LOVE to have this! If anyone wants to develop one, I could probably help with graphics, etc.
I agree with everything said in this thread - an application where you could input ingredients and out pops a dish would be ace.
I was originally thinking of programming something like this, however there's a problem: either you spend an immense amount of time writing recipes and making it searchable, or you link in to some online food site and use their results to display to the user. I couldn't find any sites that did this, nor do I know anything about cooking
Let's hope BBC Food has an API someday...
My thinking was that you would let it be an empty database (ok, maybe a couple of recipes to show how it works) and let the individual enter exactly what he wants into as not to "clog" the app with recipes/ingredients that he/she will never use.
Also, wouldn't it be cool to have an online networking aspect to it where other users could share their recipes?
That's how I would like it also. This would be something I would definitely be interested in. What about if it synced with a desktop app too?
That's a great idea: a recipe + grocery inventory + meal planning app.
You might want to check out check out . We over at just finished our first iPhone App and - behold - it's a recipe App... : )
Seriously though, what you write were exactly the reasons why we wrote the App in the first place. We're all avid cooks and we wanted something to host our personal collections instead of some thousand pre-installed ones. The app supports Mealmaster format for import/export but we also spent a lot of time thinking about usability to make it quick to enter a recipe manually. It might not be the flashiest app around but it sure works great in everyday life. As Rojo wrote, putting a recipe on that small screen really is a brain teaser.
Feedback so far has been very encouraging and we've already got some new exciting features for the first update. Hope you like it too...