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macrumors 601
Original poster
Jun 29, 2010
so im looking for something that is a all in one app for news, anybody know of some good apps worth checking out?
I keep coming back to the Guardian's news app and have recently been impressed with the BBC News app. I don't know what their worldwide content is like though.
Why not use a good RSS reader and some feeds?

Can you explain to me what this is and how it works? I've seen the thousands of good reviews hear the name no clue what it does

@ everybody else thx for the recommendations, the cnn app for iphone is also pretty cool with video
Can you explain to me what this is and how it works? I've seen the thousands of good reviews hear the name no clue what it does

@ everybody else thx for the recommendations, the cnn app for iphone is also pretty cool with video

Most news sites offer what's called an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed, which is basically a dynamic list of new articles and headlines. Some RSS feeds contain part or all of the article in question, others just contain a headline and a link to the main article. An RSS feed aggregator lets you access a bunch of these feeds, which are updated as the sites are updated, in a big list. Byline is a good example of a solid RSS feed reader. You can then just click on the articles you want to read to go to them.

If you want to try it out on your computer first, check out Google Reader ( should be instructions on there to help you figure out how to use RSS, and a lot of iPhone RSS apps will be able to sync to your Google Reader account, so any feeds to subscribe to on your PC will reflect on your phone.

You can also check here for more info on RSS.
[app]Fluent News[/app] is good, but downloading new articles takes time. I download off WiFi in the morning while getting ready, and read the articles later when I've got time. It's free and not just an RSS feed reader.

[app]Broadersheet[/app] downloads content very quickly, also not just an RSS reader. The UI is good, no pics though. It's great for saving battery life when downloading on the run, the download is very small. It's offline mode just gives you the news in text.
Most news sites offer what's called an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed, which is basically a dynamic list of new articles and headlines. Some RSS feeds contain part or all of the article in question, others just contain a headline and a link to the main article. An RSS feed aggregator lets you access a bunch of these feeds, which are updated as the sites are updated, in a big list. Byline is a good example of a solid RSS feed reader. You can then just click on the articles you want to read to go to them.

If you want to try it out on your computer first, check out Google Reader ( should be instructions on there to help you figure out how to use RSS, and a lot of iPhone RSS apps will be able to sync to your Google Reader account, so any feeds to subscribe to on your PC will reflect on your phone.

You can also check here for more info on RSS.

Cheers gloss and everyone else.. im sold.
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