We need a recommendation for preferably a Radeon Mac Graphics Card, the non Mac 7850 we have it is this one http://www.ebay.com/itm/HIS-IceQ-X-Radeon-HD-7850-2GB-DDR5-Video-Card-/192130813353 is a power hog, we have checked the wattage and it runs around 260 watts or more but VS. the stock Nvidia 7300 GT it uses less. We have been reading that the Radeon HD 5770 is fairly energy efficient, can anyone confirm this or recommend better? We don't mind giving up the 2gb card for 1gb if it's going to run more efficient. Our current configuration is Mac Pro 2006 2.1 upgrade with 8 core upgrade running El Capitan 10.11.6 So far we have only found these benchmarks
to compare with but there is no mention of the HD 7850.
to compare with but there is no mention of the HD 7850.
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