I'm looking for a journaling app for my Mac and my iPhone. I intend to make most of entries on my Mac with its keyboard, and less often with my iPhone on the go.
I’m currently considering several possibilities, including Day One and MacJournal.
Day One is attractive for several reasons, including its robust iCloud synching and especially its flexibility with tags. It's neat that entries here on MR.com can be tagged with not just one but multiple tags and then queried or sorted using those tags, and I highly value having that kind of flexibility in categorizing and retrieving journal entries.
On the other hand, Day One's interface isn't particularly Mac-like, and it does not support rich text formatting -- e.g. one can't underline text, or set an arbitrary color. That an app primarily meant to deal with text is (dramatically) less capable than Apple's simple TextEdit app is disappointing and somewhat off-putting.
Re MacJournal, it has a number of attractive functions, including excellent formatting capabilities and a distraction-free mode in which all graphical elements are hidden/obscured so one can focus simply on writing.
On the other hand, from what I can see, the program hasn’t been updated in more than two years. This gives me pause, as I’d rather not invest (not just money but also especially time and effort) in an app that doesn’t have a clear future (esp. re compatibility with future OS upgrades, etc.).
So, wondering if anyone has any experience with either of these two apps, or any advice or thoughts about alternatives?
I’m currently considering several possibilities, including Day One and MacJournal.
Day One is attractive for several reasons, including its robust iCloud synching and especially its flexibility with tags. It's neat that entries here on MR.com can be tagged with not just one but multiple tags and then queried or sorted using those tags, and I highly value having that kind of flexibility in categorizing and retrieving journal entries.
On the other hand, Day One's interface isn't particularly Mac-like, and it does not support rich text formatting -- e.g. one can't underline text, or set an arbitrary color. That an app primarily meant to deal with text is (dramatically) less capable than Apple's simple TextEdit app is disappointing and somewhat off-putting.
Re MacJournal, it has a number of attractive functions, including excellent formatting capabilities and a distraction-free mode in which all graphical elements are hidden/obscured so one can focus simply on writing.
On the other hand, from what I can see, the program hasn’t been updated in more than two years. This gives me pause, as I’d rather not invest (not just money but also especially time and effort) in an app that doesn’t have a clear future (esp. re compatibility with future OS upgrades, etc.).
So, wondering if anyone has any experience with either of these two apps, or any advice or thoughts about alternatives?