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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 25, 2008
I was wondering if there are any certain types of anti-theft locks for the iMac which I can securely lock onto furniture out there?
First question: How secure do you want it?

If this is only to keep people honest, and not to legitimately stop a determined thief, just go with one of the cheap ones on eBay (search "laptop lock" or "kensington lock"). I have one I picked up for $1.50 on there, and it works just fine, and feels plenty secure.

However, If you are looking for something beefier, possibly with a warranty of some sort, you may have to get something name-branded, which usually runs you ~$45+.

All that being said, any of these will not stop someone determined enough. These all ultimately just prevent the casual thief. If someone wants your stuff, they will take it, if they are determined / resourceful enough.

Just to be sure you know, since you seem to not be a lock expert or anything, you will be looking for a lock that will attach to your iMac's "kensington lock slot". It is a little slot next to all the ports on back.
Most of these locks are cables that have a loop on the end, that you wrap around the leg of a table, etc, and then put the lock into the slot on your iMac.
mostly just looking for one to stop the type of thief that doens't know what's in the house until they break in, snag whatever they want and bolt. sure, a more experienced thief would be more equipped, but you're bound to have some idiot teenager just randomly breaking into houses and looking for get whatever they can get their hands on without any planning.

are there any name brands you could recommend? also, any tracking software would be great too/
right on then cheap ebay lock seems the best way to go.

The one I got is VERY similar to, maybe the same, as THIS

Take a look at that, it is nice and cheap and will deter the type of thief you are describing.

I have no recommendations for tracking stuff, although a quick search is sure to turn up something good.
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