I want something that will amaze my friends and family. My uncle trys to brag about his new samsung vibrant (which is very laggy and slow) but he just won't admit his phone is crappy. Can be games or apps, suggestions?
I want something that will amaze my friends and family. My uncle trys to brag about his new samsung vibrant (which is very laggy and slow) but he just won't admit his phone is crappy. Can be games or apps, suggestions?
Coming online for mental health issues
add that to your list of problems
I have family members stuck up like hers too. And she's just a young girl which get emotional so chill out
Let's golf 2
Enigmo looks very nice
Flight control
Gameloft are pretty much flying through their app back catalogue and updating them to look good on the Retina Display.
All taken on my iPhone 4.
Seeing these games moving, at full frame rate, on the Retina Display itself, is something else. I can't wait to see what games developer exclusively for the iPhone 4 look like. Until then, would Capcom kindly update Street Fighter 4 and Resident Evil 5 for the Retina Display.
Wow asphault has gotten way better since when I used to have it on my ipt2g! Thanks for these!
the 'i wanna impose my taste in smartphones onto others who might be perfectly happy with their phones trying to spoil it for them' attitude
if your uncle likes his android widgets, his bigger screen, his slightly more vibrant (no pun intended) colors, why try to make him "admit his phone is crappy"
Truth be told, I've seen very little games on the Android platform that rival those found on the iPhone. What developers are doing on the iPhone, especially the iPhone 4 with Retina Display updates, is superb.
Again though, this is an Apple forum for people who like and use Apple equipment. You're going to find that some people will talk down other products, just like 360 owners do about the Wii and PS3 on their forums.
If you don't like that, then you know where the door is.
Wait until you see these games move mate, the frame rate is solid on them all.
As for Gameloft, the graphics are great...but it's not full retina display yet. They may say it is, but all the text is blurry still. Kind of pisses me off. Let's Golf 2 is still a great game though.
As for Gameloft, the graphics are great...but it's not full retina display yet. They may say it is, but all the text is blurry still. Kind of pisses me off. Let's Golf 2 is still a great game though.
just trying to help her be a better person by being tolerant of different opinions about gadgets, sorry bout that.
go ahead and create a fangirl, shoving the iPhone 4 up peoples throats, bragging how great it is.
That's exactly the type of Apple user we all like to be associated with!
Yeah, I've noticed some of the text isn't as crisp as the likes of Real Racing, which received a brilliant HD update for the Retina Display and is high resolution throughout the app.
I didn't notice that till now. Haha now it's going to bug me :/ still superb games either way
I guess all we do is wait until they fix it. I was still playing Let's Golf 2 for 2 hours last night. Drained 20% of my battery...damn battery hog app.
Edit: It's not really a game but I have this on here for showing off the display and just for showing off what it can do. I have the iHandy Carpenter app and just let it show everyone how level everything is. People are always amazed.
You, on the other hand, did not.
i said "gun range is a nice tech demo"
Plunderland is a great game!!
Let's Golf 2 is great too![]()
After telling her how bad of a person she is. You shouldn't pass unwanted judgement on a forum.
I feel like there's always one antagonist per thread on these forums...
But back on topic... I'm all for Enigmo 2. That has some great graphics.