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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 10, 2004
I use a Echo Layla24 soundcard that has 8 input channels. Does anybody know if Garageband will work with this card and if it will allow to record to several tracks at the same time from the different input channels of the card (like Cubase, Logic etc.)? From the preference screenshots it seems you can only chose audio inputs globally not on a per-track basis like the pro-audio apps do. Since every basic tape multi-track recorder has that ability would seem natural to make this available in Garageband. Anybody's got any ideas?
Not sure, don't think so

From my quick peek at MacWorld, I'd say it doesn't allow this. It seems designed for the solo person working in their room (even though multiple inputs would be great for drumset etc.).

The input allows for any device available in your Sound preferences in System Preferences (I asked about this, so you can use your Audio Duo, M-Box, or similar input).

see below... apparently you can record 2 mono at once.
Apple aren't going to let GB get too far into the Logic area, multiple audio input would allow GB to function more like a full audio workstation, and that would eat into the possible Logic userbase.

GB is designed to allow any musician with a mac to get some tunes down, it's a very sophisticated sketchpad, we're already looking at it like a personal composition tool for our lecturers, I think it'll end up being one of the most useful audio apps ever made, but we're still going to need Logic or proTools to do the real work of recording and producing pro-level work.

edit: it appears that with a good interface (M-box etc.) you can record TWo mono inputs to TWO independant mono tracks, very cool.
Originally posted by WinterMute
....GB is designed to allow any musician with a mac to get some tunes down, it's a very sophisticated sketchpad, we're already looking at it like a personal composition tool for our lecturers, ....

This is the best description that I've read yet about GB. An easy to use program that allows me to play around with some ideas or melodies that float in my head. Since it wil only export to iTunes, at least that's what I've read so far, it isn't meant to replace the pro apps. It's like comparing Print Shop with Pagemaker.
Well, wilst it will only export to iTunes, it seems it is an aiff export apparently, so there's no reason not to export individual tracks out to iTunes, then drag them from their iTunes folder into Logic or ProTools etc. for further editing and mixing.

GB is getting better all the time, and it's not even here yet.

It'll even record 2 separate mono tracks from a good interface, onto independant tracks....:D
Originally posted by WinterMute
It'll even record 2 separate mono tracks from a good interface, onto independent tracks....:D
This is excellent news. And really, it doesn't contradict the idea of GarageBand being a very basic recording tool as this IS a function of basic legacy recording solutions (after all, any $50 4-track can do that). Two separate mono tracks will come in quite handy when sketching down this song idea, running your acoustic and vocals thru different tracks. This is gonna be so cool for getting those quick ideas down on disk and even having a few option to polish them up without having too much distractive hocus/pocus getting into your creativity's way.
Originally posted by WinterMute
It'll even record 2 separate mono tracks from a good interface, onto independant tracks....:D
As a pseudo-musician who knows little about recording, this is great news. All I really want to do is bang out a tune with my guitar and sing along live, then later go back and add effects to the vocals or the guitar independently. I love everything I'm hearing about GarageBand! :cool:
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