Is there any way for me to get shows that I've recorded on my Direct TV DVR to my mac?
Not really. The only real DVR that allows for easy transfers is TiVo.
How long does it take using the 1212HD PVR to download a standard 1 hour show that would be in HD? Also, is the playback on my mac in HD or is there something else I have to add to it for it to playback in HD?
How long does it take using the 1212HD PVR to download a standard 1 hour show that would be in HD? Also, is the playback on my mac in HD or is there something else I have to add to it for it to playback in HD?
You need to play the program you want to capture in realtime from the DVR. The Hauppauge HD PVR captures the HD analog stream from the component output. (It can also capture SD output from the composite, S-video or component outputs.) It digitizes the stream and encodes it in the H.264 format. If you start with an HD source, the file will be in HD. You can customize the bitrate of the capture to get the desired quality or filesize. By default, it puts the h.264 data in a ".m2ts" file. These can be played directly by the VLC media player (and others). The Mac HDPVRCapture application I referenced will also allow you to convert to an iTunes compatible format.
It would be nice if you could simply capture the stream with a FireWire cable, but the DirecTV DVR's do not provide this connection.
I have Cox cable with a Motorola dvr dch 3416 it has two fire wire 400 ports on the back. What program would I need to run in order to get the files off my dvr and on my Imac?
If everything is recorded in real time, then I will have to edit out commercials after I've downloaded the program, is that correct?
If everything is recorded in real time, then I will have to edit out commercials after I've downloaded the program, is that correct?
Yes, if you want to cut the commercials out. The easiest app for doing this is MPEG Streamclip. If you are watching the television show as you are capturing it, you can fast forward through the commercials (30 second skip, pressed several times, works great) and just leave the resulting stream as-is. You'll see the places where you skipped forward and it won't be as smooth as editing the commercial breaks out, but it saves a lot of time.
Also, for Firewire recorded video, wouldn't you need the MPEG-2 plug-in? That's $20, right? Does it come included with Quicktime Pro?
i thought toast titanium 10 had a tivo to mac solution?I have it but have not used it!
what about that program?