I just upgraded to a quad core Mac Pro as my main computer. I have been using a macbook Pro connected to a Dell ultrasharp 24 for a few years and it's so nice to finally have a desktop. What a GREAT machine!
I noticed that whenever the computer is in sleep mode a red LED is visible through the front of the case. The white LED in the front pulses of course but I just want to make sure the red LED is normal or is it indicating some sort of fault. I tried searching the forum but couldn't find the answer.
Thanks so much for your input.
I noticed that whenever the computer is in sleep mode a red LED is visible through the front of the case. The white LED in the front pulses of course but I just want to make sure the red LED is normal or is it indicating some sort of fault. I tried searching the forum but couldn't find the answer.
Thanks so much for your input.