really? Hmm.. that's odd then. Because I tried downloading something again that I got when it was free, and they charged me for it. I thought when you download a "free" app, there is no invoice so there is no record of you previously downloading it.
I could be wrong though. I could have sworn I had Spirit on my phone before.
You have to be careful of the versions and the names of the apps. If you download any "Lite" or "Free" version of the app (ie: if it has LITE or FREE in the name) then you cannot download the full version without paying for it. For example
MyDemoApp Free
The second one is "free" and has no cost associated with it; but the full version has a price. Sure they may be by the same people and have mostly the same functionality, but one has more features, or no ads.
If I then put "MyDemoApp" on sale for $0.00, anyone who downloads it will still be able to download it for free even if I raise the price to $9.99.
Now, I've run into issues where "MyDemoApp" is $9.99 but I thought I had previously purchased it when in fact I had purchased "MyMemoApp" by someone else. Thus ended up buying "MyDemoApp" by mistake.
Apple should adjust the way sales are made. You have to press "Buy It" to get it to start the download. But you need to put your password in to "Buy It" before you know if you've already purchased it. Meaning, if you didn't purchase it, you now did. The first thing it should do is to check to see if you've already purchased it; if you have, prompt them as it does now, to say you can download it for free. If you DON'T own it, then prompt "Are you sure you want to buy this?".
My only real gripe with the app store.