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Edit: On second though, yeah... why are they calling everything Redsn0w? That's the iPod Touch 2nd Gen JB...

Oh, I know. It's because before, QuickPwn and PwnageTool had only iPhone, iPhone 3G, and iPod Touch support. This new Redsn0w is exactly the same, but it just includes iPod Touch 2nd Gen support. Shame it's Intel Macs only for now, because I've only got an old PowerMac G4 :(

I guess they'll be changing their name to Sn0w-Team next :p
redsn0w is an easy to use, multi-platform, multi-device jailbreaking and unlocking tool for the iPhone 2G (original iPhone), the iPhone 3G (but not the 3GS) and also the iPod touch (first and second generation). Currently it is available for Windows and Mac OS X

who is the one that needs to learn to read?
Yep. Just used to it to jailbreak on my Vista machine. Worked a treat!

Where can i locate my 3.0 firmware in windows? I have it installed already but when redsnow ask for the ipsw I cant find the 3.0 ipsw file.
Where can i locate my 3.0 firmware in windows? I have it installed already but when redsnow ask for the ipsw I cant find the 3.0 ipsw file.

C:\Documents and Settings\*Your Username*\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates
My guess for the name change is because of the unauthorized use of the quickpwn name by quickpwn dot com folks

So do you think they're not going to follow up with revised versions of Pwnage Tool or QuickPwn, and redsn0w and ultrasn0w are going to take the place of everything else? I wouldn't be surprised if it's more just restlessness on their part, or else the fact that, for whatever reason, the approach the whatever-sn0w tools used works better for them now than the one in Pwnage Tool. But up until yesterday or so, they were talking releasing new versions of Pwnage and QuickPwn.

I didn't see any commentary on whether the new activation issues with unlocked original iPhones get resolved or not (right now, Youtube doesn't work for those of us using the unlocked original iPhone, at least off AT&T). That's the one big thing I'm waiting for.
Redsn0w is fantastic! just completed it. It was even easier than QuickPwn.

select the file, follow the installer, and poof, all your settings files, data are still as they were on the phone, no additional restoring, just the cydia app is back!

Redsn0w is fantastic! just completed it. It was even easier than QuickPwn.

select the file, follow the installer, and poof, all your settings files, data are still as they were on the phone, no additional restoring, just the cydia app is back!

Does redsn0w install the pineapple boot logo? I used pwnagetool to jailbreak and I really hate not seeing the Apple logo when I boot up.
im downloading redsn0w right now but i have a question.

is it me or is it taking a while for it to "unloading ramdisk?"

is this normal or am i doing something wrong?

edit: nevermind, got it to work.
it does not install pineapple. there arent a lot of 'tweeks' like there were in QuickPwn. it will pretty much J/B keep all your stuff as is on the phone, and the only difference you'll see is cydia added.
it does not install pineapple. there arent a lot of 'tweeks' like there were in QuickPwn. it will pretty much J/B keep all your stuff as is on the phone, and the only difference you'll see is cydia added.

yup, thats all I wanted, and is what kept me from jailbreaking, now I am jailbroken for the first time =D
If you google it they are everywhere. The first result item is a megaupload download link. That one should work for ya.

The thing is im at work and megaupload is websensed errr dont want to wait 8hrs to jailbreak...some one if you have a mirror download plz hook me up
So redsn0w unlocks/JB's 3.0? Does it matter if you have the new baseband? I do, on my iphone 3G.

I have 2.2.1, new firmware, and just use an unlock gevey card.
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