Yikes - URGENT help needed.
I bought a 02 Pre-pay 3GS, jailbreaked and unlocked it, has been runing perfectly on Orange.
Have just upgarded to 3.0.1 as iPhone Dev Team said it was OK to do it. However, I've done this while bored in a hotel room while away on business in the US and I don't have my 02 SIM with me.
How do I Shift-Restore to be able to restore to 3.0 IPSW and then run redsn0w? I'm really up a certain creek without my phone.
I tried re-booting the phone holding the Home key, but this took my iPhone's name away from it (which would probably mean I'd have lost all my apps - the iTunes account I sync my iPhone with is on my Mac at home...)
I bought a 02 Pre-pay 3GS, jailbreaked and unlocked it, has been runing perfectly on Orange.
Have just upgarded to 3.0.1 as iPhone Dev Team said it was OK to do it. However, I've done this while bored in a hotel room while away on business in the US and I don't have my 02 SIM with me.
How do I Shift-Restore to be able to restore to 3.0 IPSW and then run redsn0w? I'm really up a certain creek without my phone.
I tried re-booting the phone holding the Home key, but this took my iPhone's name away from it (which would probably mean I'd have lost all my apps - the iTunes account I sync my iPhone with is on my Mac at home...)