So I cancelled my White MacBook 2.0Ghz w/ 1GB RAM.I aquired a new job which would allow me to extend my price range. It was $1600 CDN w/ the 2GB ipod nano. They offered $100 off CDN when i asked to cancel, I said no.
I ordered a refurb MacBook Pro from the US store at $1699US. Along with the laptop I purchase 1year .mac software, Apple Mighty Mouse, 1year Procare and the Swiss Gear Synergy backpack (need for school as well). In total it cost me roughly $2000 US for all of that.
I still need to purchase AppleCare which will cost me $279+14% tax here in Canada. As well I'm thinking 2GB RAM hopefully from CanadaRAM which is selling for $259 I believe.
I might just ship the box and manuals and disks and what not to my house and bring my laptop over to Toronto Ontario without paying boarder taxes (make it look like i brought it over from Toronto to North Carolina and back) should I bother with shipping the box and whatnot or toss it.
My order just reached Charlotte today, I am very excited. It is on its way to Cary North Carolina ATM. Will be picking it up on Saturday. Driving down, 14 hours... sigh. Visit relatives as well I have a condo down on the beach (actually not mine, some one from the family).
Had problems with the first telephone operator guy (internet was down at the time). He said I couldnt charge the Visa to a Canadian address and it had to be the US. So I said whatever okay. I called again the next day because they got some shipping info wrong (wrong number, street spelt wrong etc) and I also said I want the bill to my Canadian address. The lady who helped me this time said Sure. But since i changed the address, VISA called asking did you purchase etc etc. So a slight trouble there, took 4 phone calls. All done though.
Any tips when I get my MacBook Pro? First ever Mac and hopefully many more to come. Thanks - JAMES!
I ordered a refurb MacBook Pro from the US store at $1699US. Along with the laptop I purchase 1year .mac software, Apple Mighty Mouse, 1year Procare and the Swiss Gear Synergy backpack (need for school as well). In total it cost me roughly $2000 US for all of that.
I still need to purchase AppleCare which will cost me $279+14% tax here in Canada. As well I'm thinking 2GB RAM hopefully from CanadaRAM which is selling for $259 I believe.
I might just ship the box and manuals and disks and what not to my house and bring my laptop over to Toronto Ontario without paying boarder taxes (make it look like i brought it over from Toronto to North Carolina and back) should I bother with shipping the box and whatnot or toss it.
My order just reached Charlotte today, I am very excited. It is on its way to Cary North Carolina ATM. Will be picking it up on Saturday. Driving down, 14 hours... sigh. Visit relatives as well I have a condo down on the beach (actually not mine, some one from the family).
Had problems with the first telephone operator guy (internet was down at the time). He said I couldnt charge the Visa to a Canadian address and it had to be the US. So I said whatever okay. I called again the next day because they got some shipping info wrong (wrong number, street spelt wrong etc) and I also said I want the bill to my Canadian address. The lady who helped me this time said Sure. But since i changed the address, VISA called asking did you purchase etc etc. So a slight trouble there, took 4 phone calls. All done though.
Any tips when I get my MacBook Pro? First ever Mac and hopefully many more to come. Thanks - JAMES!