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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 12, 2004
Do Refurb purchases qualify for the free Nano? Everytime I put on into my cart and head to check out (as a test) no Nano screen comes up. What gives?
I'm pretty sure that refurbs do not qualify for the free nano or they would advertise that in the refurb section as well as the regular store.
No, refurb Macs do not count.

Apple FAQ

What are the qualifying Mac and iPods?
This offer is available only on purchases of new product. The products listed below are eligible for participation in this offer. Products not listed in this chart are ineligible for a rebate. Configure to order versions of these products are eligible. Refurbished products are ineligible. Note: The entry iMac 17-inch 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo with Combo Drive (part number MA406LL/A) and any configure-to-order version of this product are not eligible for this offer.
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