I know a lot of you said wait, but I'm going to go for it anyway, unless a load of apple sites go UPDATE ON TUESDAY, in which case I'll wait, but I have a couple of questions.
There's another 24" for £948, and the only downsides seem to be the slower processor, graphics card and smaller hard drive. Two of these are non-issues, I don't think I'll use the faster hard drive to it's full potential, and I don't need 500GB, but what's the difference in graphic cards, is it noticeable? The most I'd be doing would be a bit of photoshopping, nothing heavy, web design stuff, that's all, and maybe some games. (bear in mind I'm perfectly happy playing games at their lowest settings).
Also, a few questions about refurbished models:
1. Do they come with the latest software? (iLife '09)
No, but it's possible to upgrade to it for about 10£
2. Do they have trials of iWork '09 / '08 (If so which, and how long?)
30 or 60 days, I'm not sure.
3. Can you return them in the 14 day remorse period like new ones? (If brand new ones come out and they are better value for money, for example)
If you don't open it you can return it, but if you open it you can return and pay 10% of restocking.
4. What condition should they be in if I return them?
Same as you opened it
5. How do I return them?
Take it to the apple store or something, look at Apple's site.
6. Are they that different from new?
Should not be