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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 16, 2005
Ontario, Canada
I see that Apple updated their refurbished store today and noticed that they have a Core Duo Mac mini for $779 ($889CDN) with 1GB RAM and a 100GB hard drive. My parents are willing to give me $200CDN for my Mac mini G4 (they paid for most of it in the first place). That means that with tax and their contribution I'd only be forking out $813CDN.

I'd probably be buying a MacBook for university in a year and my parents would inherit the intel Mac mini. I was planning to buy an iMac now but don't really want to fork out that much money when I'll be buying a laptop next year.

Would the Core Duo be an improvement for me. The apps I use are Safari, Mail, Adium, iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie (lots), iDVD, Photoshop (very very light usage), skEdit, Cyberduck, BlueJ, Transmission, iSquint, QuickTime, Toast, FrostWire, Xcode and Microsoft Office. Only PhotoShop and Office are not UBs. The things that I find slowest on my computer are encoding and Java apps. I'd hope they'd be improved a lot.

Thanks for any input,

I would say it's fine. Once I tested my java app I made (prime number finder) and comparing my G4 1.2gz to the intel mac mini was about twice+ faster to 10,000,000 :) I plan on getting a mini of iMac soon too.
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