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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 2, 2005
Chicago, IL USA

I got the first iPhone when it first came out, and unlocked it to work on Tmobile right away. Pretty sure this was the website I used for directions.

I'm still happy on tmobile, and am fine without 3G. All I really want is the app store. I haven't touched anything in terms of updates or anything since I didn't want a brick. O_O Once I got it unlocked I haven't so much as sync'd it. I've read a bit in the forums and done some searches but what I'm mainly finding are "should this work?" questions.

So. Can I update my phone? Can I use the app store on my first gen iPhone? On tmobile?

Could anyone please point me in the direction of how to go about this? I am so leery of doing this, but really really want to do a bit more with the phone.

Thanks so much for any help!!

Updated to add:
Its version 1.0.2
Firmware: 03.14.08_6
if that matters ?
Just use the regular iTunes Software Update to update the firmware, then use QuickPwn or WinPwn to Jailbreak and/or unlock your phone. Make sure you follow the instructions on the site to do it.

Thanks very much for your reply.

So okay, plug my phone into my computer, and let iTunes update and lock it. I have iTunes 8 on my imac and some older iTunes on my macbook ... looking at the instructions below it looks like I can do this from itunes 8?

Then use this ?? I'm not certain that is the correct place to go or not ...

Thanks for your patience. Just trying to be cautious! :eek:

UTA: Ugh I think I posted some windoze link >_<

Trying again, is this more like it?
Just wanted to update that I muddled my way through this, made a few stupid mistakes, but all is good now and the app store is awesome. :D Thanks again!
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